Chapter 7

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*your outfit*

Today is my day off and the day I pick Steve up from the hospital, so I decide to wesr something cute that I can't wear to work. Before I go to the hospital I give Danny a call
Danny : Hey girl whats up? Are you already at the hospital?
Y/N : Hey Danny. No I'm still on the way. Im in a drive thru picking up some coffee.
Danny : Okay nice. You are not coming to work for the next 3 weeks right?
Y/N : yes. I think the last week of his forced holiday Steve can take care of himself. So I will come back in 3 weeks yeah.
Danny : God We already miss you here.
Y/N : It hasn't even been a day without me. *I laugh* Hey danny ehm I just arrived at the hospital so I have to hang up now.
Danny : I will see you and tell Steve I said hi.
Y/N : Will do bye danno.
Danny : Oh come on not you too
*I just laugh and hang up. I arrive at Steves room and just barge in. I see him being shirtless and I see his huge bandage on his lower abdomen*
Y/N : Oh my lord... *I go up to him and take a closer look at his abdomen* that looks nasty.
Steve : Yeah and it does hurt a bit.
*He pulls his shirt over his head and starts walking to his closet taking his bag*
Steve : Shall we leave?
Y/N : Yes please. And I will take your bag.
*I want to take his bag but he backs up*
Steve : I am old enough to carry my own bag *his stern voice remembers me of the day we met. His cold expression and hurtful words. I look at him with sad eyes*
Y/N : I just wanted to do you a favor. *I look down*
Steve : Yeah its okay I will carry it on my own
*The whole car ride was silent. As soon as we arrive at his house he sprints towards his door*
Steve : Home sweet home finally * he drops his bag and sits on his couch*
Y/N : Do you want anything? Food? Drinks?
Steve : No thanks. I just want to lay down.
Y/N : Should we watch a movie or something?
Steve : Im actually not in the mood. *he says closing his eyes and again the coldness shooks me*
Y/N : Okay i will go home than. Should i still stay here or just drive by everydsy?
Steve : You can stay if you want. I would appreciate that. * he says with a lovely voice*
Y/N : Okay I will get a bag than. *I smile at him*
Steve : Okay but before you go.. I want to ask you something.
Y/N : yes what is it?
Steve : I wanted to ask you if you would like to have a date with me this evening?!
Y/N : Oh ehm I - I mean yes if you want that.
*he smiles widely and looks really happy*
Steve : I would love that. I will order something because I can't cook with this wound *he points to his bandage*
Y/N : Thats totally fine. When should I be back?
Steve : At 6 please.
Y/N : I will be there.
* I leave his house to drive back to mine and pack a bag for the next few days*

Skip intil 10PM

We had a great date. It was full of talking and laughing together. We told each other about our time at the Navy and about our families. We had a great time. He also told me about his ex-girlfriend, Catherine Rollins, again. He was really heartbroken about her leaving but said that he is fine now and that it doesnt bother him anymore.
Y/N : Its late. I think you should rest and try to sleep a bit.
Steve : Yeah thats probably the best. But thank you for this evening I really enjoyed it. *he smiles at me*
Y/N : I enjoyed it too. Thank you
*We stare into each others eyes and he comes closer to me. I suddenly snap out of my trance and look at him*
Y/N : I will go upstairs now. Do you need help with your bandage?
Steve : Oh uhmm yeah that would be nice. *he scratches the back of his neck nervously*
*We arrive at his bathroom*
Steve : *takes of his shirt* Can you do it? I think I can't do it.
Y/N : yes of course. *I carefully take of the bandage and throw it away. I see his huge wound from the bullet and the operation. I clean his wound with some alcohol and put on a new bandage.
Y/N : Here you go.
Steve : Thank you. You were really gentle.
Y/N : *I laugh* I try
*I stand up from my sitting postiton and start leaving the room to go to my own. In the middle of the corridor I feel a hand grab mine and pull me back. I am being held against Steves muscular chest by his two strong arms. I look into his blue eyes and he looks in mine. He starts to lean in until our noses touch*
Steve : Can I please kiss you? *he whispers*
*I can't speak right now so I just nod. A second later I feel his smooth lips against mine and we share a passionate kiss thats full of love. After a minute we pull away because we both need air.
Steve : That was beautiful. *he pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiles at me* Good night gorgeous.
*I smile back and answer with*
Y/N : Good night handsome.
*We leave each others embrace and leave to our rooms. I change in my sleeping clothes and lay in my bed. I can't believe I just kissed my boss. Oh my lord. It really happened. I couldn't be happier. I think I will dream about it. I start getting concerned. I remember the conversation I had with Danny in the hospital. I said Im not ready to get into a relationship with Steve bit after that kiss? I'm not sure anymore. All I can think about is the kiss and what it would be like to be in a relationship with him*
*A few minutes later I drive off into dreamland*

*your outfit if you can't see it in the too*

*your outfit if you can't see it in the too*

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