Chapter 13

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*I get woken up the next day, by McGarrett playing with my hair. I smile up at him*
Steve : Good morning beautiful *he smile back at me*
Y/N : Good morning Commander. *I free myself from his embrace and start to make my way downstairs to prepare breakfast*

*I start making pancakes as I feel two hands wrapping around my waist and a head in the crook of my neck. I smile to myself knowing that its Steve*
Steve : I love pancakes.
Y/N : I know, that's why I decided to make you some.
*I divide the pancakes on two plates and place them on his dinning table. We eat our breakfast in peace and talked a bit. Soon, McGarrett gets a call*
Steve :*to me* Excuse me, one moment please. *he answers the call* McGarrett.....Yes we are on our way. *he hangs up and turns to me* We have a new case.
Y/N : Okay Lets go
*I quickly cleaned up our plates and then make my way upstairs to get ready*

*your outfit*

*9AM**We arrive at Iloani Palace and quickly get inside

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*We arrive at Iloani Palace and quickly get inside. We meet the other guys*
Steve : What do we have guys?
Jerry : 45-year-old Jamie Harris and his 43-year-old wife Joanne Harris were found dead at Waimanolo Drive.
Steve : okay guys. Danny and Lou, you guys go to the crime scene and talk to witnesses. Adam and Junior, you talk to their family. Jerry, you do your wonders on their live, find everything about them. Y/N and I will talk to Max. Adam has his free day today so he won't be here. Alright, lets start.
*Steve and I get in my Camaro and drive to Max*

*In the car*
Steve : Hey. Uhmmm I wanted to ask you if you are free today at 7PM?
Y/N : Yes I am. Why?
Steve : Its a surprise. Wear something cute. *He smiles at me*
Y/N : Will do
*We arrive at the examiners office and get inside*
Steve : Hey Max. What do you have?
Max : Welcome Commander, Agent *He smiles at us and I smile back* So, I examined their bodies and I found out that time of death was between 3AM and 4AM. Mr. Harris got killed by a bulett in his head and Mrs. Harris was strangled. In conclusion, two different causes of death.
Y/N : Any DNA on them that could be from the killer?
Max : Actually yes I did found a hair but its not in the system. I already checked twice. But what I can say is, that the killer is a female with brown or black hair.
Steve : Okay thank you Max. If you find something else, give us a call.
Max : Will do. Bye Commander, bye Agent
Y/N : Bye max

*We leave his office and start driving back to the Palace. While we were driving Jerry called Steve*
Steve : Hey Jerry. Found anything interesting?
Jerry : Hey Steve. Mr. Harris had a huge computer and technology company which went bankrupt a month ago. There are a few investors which are really mad at him, because he couldn't pay them back. But one of them is really suspicious. Her name is Laura Hiddelston, she's 34 and sent the married couple a threat. She said she will kill them because they ruined her life. And- oh my god, this is bad!
Y/N : What is it Jerry? *I look at Steve with a worried expression*
Jerry : 13-year-old Anne-Marie Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, just got reported missing by her grandmother.
Steve : *he looks at me* Laura has her, she is our killer. Jerry send the address of Hiddelston to Y/Ns phone please and call the others to meet us there.
Jerry : I just sent it. *My phone dinged and I see her address*
Y/N : got it, thank you Jerry

*Steve hangs up the phone and we drive for another 20 minutes till we arrived at the suspects house. The other guys arrived three minutes after us*
Steve : Lou, Danny and Junior front door, Y/N and me back door. GO
*We all move inside and see the suspect with her hostage in the kitchen. Laura has a gun in her hand and screams at Anne-Marie*

LH = Laura Hiddleston (Suspect)
AM = Anne-Marie (victim)

LH : your father destroyed my life and you will pay for it
*Laura turns around and sees me and Steve standing there pointing our guns at her.She got scared and runs away.*
*Steve and I run up to the girl and I untie her.*
Y/N : Hey Anne-Marie, its okay we are from the police. We will get you out of here. Don't worry
*She looks so scared, so Steve decides to carry her outside*
*We arrive outside and Steve gives her to the paramedics. We sigh and I see Danny with a handcuffed Laura Hiddleston*
Danny : we got her. HPD will take her, talk to her and then put her in jail.
*Another successful day is over*

*Steve and I drive to his house.*
Steve : So I will come to your house at 7PM and then we will take your car to the surprise
Y/N : *I smirk at him*Why are we always taking my car? You have a pretty cool car too.
Steve : I do. But yours is faster and sexier.
Y/N : God, then we will take mine.
*We arrive at his house. He ges out of the car, waves at me and I drive back to mine to get ready*

*your outfit*

*Steve just arrived and I open the door*Steve : wow you look gorgeous

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*Steve just arrived and I open the door*
Steve : wow you look gorgeous.
Y/N : thank you . You look pretty handsome *I smile at him*
Steve : Shall we go?
Y/N : yes please

*We arrive at the beach and start walking to a picnic*
Y/N : wow that's so sweet.
Steve : Do you think so? I did that all by myself *he says proudly*
Y/N : I love it thank you *I give him a sweet hug*
*We sit down on the blanket and start eating. We enjoyed our date together and watched the sunset. While we were watching the sunset, I feel Steves eyes on me all the time*
Y/N : Take a picture, it will last longer *I tease and smirk at him. He just smiles at me*
Steve : There is something I want to say. And please just listen okay?
Y/N : I promise.
*He takes my hands in his and starts talking again*
Steve : Look so uhmm, okay this isn't as easy as I thought it would be. *he takes deep breath and sighs* I really like you Y/N and I missed you so much while you were abroad. During that time, I realized that I can't live without you anymore. Im sorry for all the times I hurted you and I hope you can forgive me. I really want you to be mine, so I wanted to ask you *he looks deep into my teary eyes* Would you like to be my girlfriend?
Y/N : Oh my god Steve. Yes of course I would like to be your girlfriend.
*I go over to him and give him a long and passionate kiss*
Y/N : Im so happy you asked me
Steve : Im happy too. *we smile at each other* Do you want to stay at mine today, girlfriend? *he smirks at me*
Y/N : I would love to, boyfriend *I smirk back at him*
*with that, we left to his house where we cuddled and fell asleep in each others arms. For the first time as boyfriend and girlfriend*

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