Chapter 19

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*wedding day, 6 months later*

*Today is the big day. I am going to be a McGarrett. Right now, I am in a hotel room getting ready. Tani is with me helping me getting in my dress.*

*your dress and shoes*

*your dress and shoes*

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Tani : You look absolutely gorgeous

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Tani : You look absolutely gorgeous.
Y/N : Thank you Tani *I smile at her*
*My dad entered the room and started tearing up little. He hugs me and tells me its time to walk done the aisle.*
*I start walking down the aisle and see Steve smiling like an idiot. He starts tearing up as he sees me. We arrive at the altar*
Dad : Take care of her *he says to Steve*
Steve : I will. Thank you Sir
Priest : Today we are here, because those two beautiful souls decided to marry.

*Skip the whole thing*

Priest : SO now I ask you, Steve McGarret, do you take Y/N Brown as your lawfully wife and promise to love and protect her forever?
Steve : *looks at me and smiles* I do
Priest : Do you, Y/N Brown, take Steve McGarrett as your lawfully husband and promise to love him forever?
Y/N: *I was now crying* I do
Priest : Ladies and gentlemen I present you, Steve and Y/N McGarrett. You may kiss your bride *he says to Steve*
*I wrap my hands around Steves neck and he wraps his around my waist. We share the most passionate kiss and pull away smiling at each other*
Steve : I love you *he whispers*
Y/N : I love you too *I whisper back*

* we walk down the aisle and get a lot of wishes. We drive to the venue to celebrate with family and friends. We had a great meal and a lot of fun. Steve and I had a great first dance. Now it was time for a speech from myself*

Y/N : Thank you all for coming. I never thought I would marry. Never ever, but now I am here and have the best husband I could ask for *I look at Steve and he smiles at me* I am so happy right now. I have my dream job, Five0, I have a Ohana and I have the best life. I love you all so much and I am grateful for each one of you guys. *I start tearing up* Oh and I also have a question for you Steve. *he looks at me confused* Do you think you have a free place in your heart fro another McGarrett?
Steve : *looks at me with a questioning face but as soon as he realized what I was talking about he stood up and yells* YOU ARE PREGNANT?
Y/N : *I smile widely* Surprise
*He runs up to me and hugs me.*
Steve : How far along are you?
Y/N : 3 months already *I smile at him and kiss him* Are you happy?
Steve : What ? Of course I am *he puts his hand on my growing belly and smiles more* god there is a baby in your belly, our baby
Y/N : Yes , our baby

*we celebrated for the rest of the day and had the best time with our friends and family*

*the aisle*

*the venue*

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*the venue*

*6 months later*

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*6 months later*

*I am in the kitchen right now cooking breakfast for Steve and I. He is in the living room talking to Danny on the phone. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasp and grab my belly. Soon the pain goes away and I continue cooking. 10 minutes later, I feel something wet running down my leg forming a puddle on the floor. Then another pain in the stomach. Then it hit me. M water broke and I am having contractions.*
Y/N : STEVE *I yell*
*He runs I the kitchen and sees me with a puddle of water underneath me*
Y/N : my water broke. we need to go to the hospital
Steve : okay lets go.

We get to his truck and we drive to the hospital. We arrive there and Steve carries me inside. We get into a delivery room and soon I started to push.

Nurse : Its a boy *the nurse says and hands me the baby. Steve starts crying.*
Y/N : He is so pretty. *I cried too*
Steve : Whats his name? *he asks me while crying*
Y/N : What about John Leo McGarrett? John for your father and Leo for my dead brother.
Steve : Thats perfect
Y/N : Do you want to hold him?
Steve : Yes please
*I hand him our baby and he smiles at him.*


*We live a happy life. John is now 3 years old. Steve and I are still working for Five0 but I am working shorter because of John. We are more than happy with our life.*

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