Chapter 12

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*Time skip*
*your outfit*

*I've been undercover for 3 months and it was so hard

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*I've been undercover for 3 months and it was so hard. I got messages from all lf the guys saying that they miss me and that I should tell them where I am. But I knew I couldn't tell them so I didn't. The FBI recruited three others beside me. SSA Maria East, Commander Mathew Gold, SA Jacob Bailey and Major Lisa Hunt. Thats the undercover TaskForce searching for evidence in the case Garig Dobrian*

*Present Time*
Currently, my collegues and I are in Hawaii. Yes my State. We found Dobrian and achieved a meeting with him in an old warehouse. So here we are talking with him and making him tell us that he killed the people and did other illegal things*

Dobrian = Do
Y/N : Yes you understood right. We want to be your personal assasins. We are really good, I promise you.
Do : Why would I need assasins? I kill them myself like I did with at least 22 people. *he chuckles but that was our sign. We all pull out our hidden guns and point them at him. But them happens something nobody excpected.*
??? : FIVE0!!
*Everybody looks at the door and I see my Ohana. The people I missed the most during my undercover time*
Y/N : Steve? Its me Y/N. *I say still pointing my gun at Dobrian* Its okay we need to arrest Dobrian. We are an undercover TaskForce from the FBI.
Steve : I said, put your guns down and show me your hands. *he says with a cold expression not caring that its me*
Y/N : Okay guys *I look at my collegues* Put your guns down. We will cooperate with them.
*all of us lay our guns on the ground and all of the Five0 members come to us. Steve walks up to me and handcuffs me? wtf*
Y/N : Steve what are you doing? *he doesn't care and handcuffs me. I try to push him away but he throws me on the next wall and pushes me up against it*
Steve : Y/N Brown, you are under arrest for illegal possession of weapons and threat against officials. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to remain silent and may consult a lawyer.
Y/N : Steve. Please you are hurting me.
Steve : I don't care. I'm hurting you the way you hurt me. *he pulls me up from the wall and pushes me outside where a HPD officer sits me in his car. With that he drives me to Iloani Palace and puts me in the dark interview cell. *

*I waited there for 2 hours. Then suddenly Junior and Steve come inside*
Junior : Where the fuck were you? *he says angrily*
Y/N : I'm sorry. I was undercover in the Russian Mafia to get evidence on Garig Dobrian. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone and I needed to break of all my contact with you guys. *I start to tear up a little because I really missed them* I'm so so sorry guys
Steve : I don't give a damn about your shitty apology. You left me, you left us for the FBI. You said you will never return and you did. You lied to me *he says with an angry voice. And thats the point I got angry too*
Y/N : I had no damn choice okay? I wanted to call you and tell you that  I'm okay every damn night. I missed all of you. You guys are my Ohana the best thing that ever happened to me. *I start to tear up badly* I know a sorry isn't enough but thats all I can give you. I understand if you never want to see me again but I hope I can be a part of your Ohana again.
Junior : Im sorry *he comes up to me and opnes my handcuffs. He pulls me in a deep hug and I cry into his chest* I forgive okay? Its okay
Y/N : Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you * we break the hug* Can we get out of here please? I feel like a criminal
*we share a laugh and leave the dark room. We arrive in the Headquarter an I get a lot of hugs from the other guys. We talked a bit about what happened and why I left. All the time we talked, Steve was in his office looking sad. I excused myself to talk to him. I open his door and start talking*
Y/N : Hey Steve *he looks up from his paperwork* Can we talk?
Steve : I don't know what you want to talk about but sure.
Y/N : Look I'm really sorry that I left, but I had no choice. *I sigh and decide to tell him my story* Before I left the FBI I have already been undercover for a period of time. Garig Dobrian killed my best friend. Thats why I said yes to go undercover again. It was a personal reason. And Im really really sorry that I never told you but that is a dark time in my life I don't talk about anymore.
Steve : Its okay. I was never mad I was just sad that I couldn't see you because Y/N I really like you. *he gets up from his seat and stands right in front of me* Can we start over again please? *he looks deep in my eyes and pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear. I get lost in his beautiful eyes*
Y/N : Yes please. *I smile at him*
Steve : Thank you. But here is one more thing I really need to do.
Y/N : What is- -
*I can't finish my sentence. The next thing I feel are McGarretts soft lips on mine. We share a passionate kiss. His hands find their way to my waist and mine find their way to his neck. I can't tell how long the kiss lasted but it was the most passionate kiss I ever had. After some time we pull away and look into each others eyes*
Steve : Wow
Y/N : yeah wow . That was- -
Steve : Beautiful. *he smiles at me* Can we get dinner together?
Y/N : Yes please. I'm starving
Steve : Is pizza at mine okay with you?
Y/N : Yes totally okay with me.
Steve : I will drive you to your house so you can change into comfortable clothes and then we can go to mine. You can also sleep ther if you want? *he nervously smiles*
Y/N : I would love to Steve. Thank you

*we do as he said. I changed at my house and we eat pizza. We talked a lot, laughed and watched a movie*

 We talked a lot, laughed and watched a movie*

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y/n : wow it's really late. I think we should go to sleep.
Steve : Yeah you are right
*we make our way upstairs and I go left to the guest bedroom. But Steve holds my hand to stop me*
Steve : Actually... Can you sleep with me? I really missed your cuddles
Y/N : I thought you would never ask
*we make our way to Steves bathroom. We change into pj's and brush our teeths. I lay in Steves bed and wait for him to come out of the bathroom. He switches off the lights and lays in the bed with me. At first nobody of us has the confidence to make a move but after some time Steve puts his arm around me. I lay my head and my hand on his chest.
Steve : I really missed you girl
Y/N : I missed you too Steve. I really did
*Our legs intangle in each others and I start to dooze off. But before I can fall asleep I hear Steve talking again*
Steve : I wish you could be mine *and he gave me a small kiss on the head*
* I think I wasn't supposed to hear that but I'm glad he feels the same way as me*

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