Chapter 1

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Pain. That's all he felt. One moment, he was on the ground, crushed by the series of events, and the next moment, he was in an unknown yet familiar place.

It was then he realized that he was back where he had first met the Rikudou Sennin.

"Naruto, Sasuke," boomed a voice. They turned to see the sage himself.

"O-Old man?" stuttered Naruto.

"Yes. Although, I am not very fond of that name," he replied.

"Why are we here?" asked Naruto.

"You have a chance," said Kurama, who appeared behind Naruto.

"What?" asked Naruto.

"You have a chance to save everyone, and possibly, not just the ones that died here, the ones who died in the past," said Hagoromo.

"How?" asked Sasuke.

"While I lived, I created a forbidden jutsu, a jutsu so powerful that I had to destroy any evidence of its existence. It is called, Yin-Yang Release: Reversal," he said.

"What will it do?" asked Naruto.

"It will force the universe to revert back to a certain point of time, and all those, who were dead and return to the living, will forget everything that happened after the day," said Hagoromo.

"I don't understand," said Sasuke.

"It is essentially de-aging the universe. So as to say, the universe would return to the younger form, without disturbing the flow of time," said Hagoromo.

"So... we would also become kids?" asked Naruto.

"More than that, you all will be back to the place where you were at that point in time," said Hagoromo.

"But if we can't retain the memories, won't we be unable to save them once more?" asked Sasuke.

"The jutsu caster, and a few more people, depending on the amount of chakra, can retain their memories in the process," said Hagoromo.

"How many?" asked Sasuke.

"3, excluding Kurama, as he is a part of Naruto. But know, that the seal will also return to the previous form," Sage of the Six Paths said.

"I- it's okay, I don't care about the seal," said Kurama.

"Really?" asked Hagoromo, amused. Kurama had never liked stuffy places, or having restrictions.

"Don't tell me you got attached to the dobe," said Sasuke with a small chuckle.

"N-NO!" yelled Kurama, flustered, but the next moment was hugged by Naruto.

Instinctively, Kurama wrapped his tail around him in a protective manner.

"I am a tailed beast, for god's sake. Why is it that I become like my old man when it comes to him?" muttered Kurama.

"We are ready," said Naruto, now with a confident grin.

"So, the third person?" asked Sasuke.

"Gaara," said Naruto calmly.

"Oh..." trailed on Sasuke.

"We need to combine chakra, so Uzumaki, start drawing the seals," said Hagoromo, as he prepared to summon Gaara.

As he had finished the large seal, Gaara was seen there, on his knees, as tears fell from his eyes.

"Gaara!" gasped Naruto.

"T-the v-village... it's gone," said Gaara.

"We can prevent it, and save everyone," said Naruto.

"How?" asked Gaara. He never truly showed, but he loved his siblings. To lose them was unbearable for him.

Sasuke and Kurama then explained to him everything, as Naruto and Hagoromo talked.

"As Naruto is the youngest, he will be doing the jutsu. We don't know at which point the universe will be reverted to, but it will be somewhere in the caster's lifespan. As Naruto is the youngest of you all, this nullifies the possibility of you all to be reverted out of existence."

"Now, everyone, sit in the circles, so it will allow me to draw chakra from you guys," said Naruto.

"I will run out of the remaining chakra, so this will be the last of me you will be seeing. I hope we meet again, but not soon," said Hagoromo.

"Thank you Ji-chan," said Naruto.

And at that moment, Hagoromo smiled warmly.

Naruto proceeded to go through a large set of hand signs, as Kurama started to collect nature energy.

"Naruto, I have collected the energy needed for sage mode," said Kurama, and as if on cue, he entered the six path sage mode.

"Both of you, you can tell one other person about this. Only one, who you trust more than anything," said Naruto, and both of them nodded.

"YIN-YANG RELEASE: REVERSAL!" he yelled. He then focused on Sasuke and Gaara.

The effects started to happen. He was pulled out of the mindscape, as he saw everything happening backward. He saw as the village was back, the meteorites going upwards. Then it became so fast that he closed his eyes. 

A few moments later, he opened them and saw his old apartment.

"IT WORKED!" he gasped, and then realized that his voice was too high-pitched.

He ran towards the mirror and saw that he was now a small, cute kid.

He checked the calendar, and it was 12 March, the day the 4th year of Academy started. A few seconds later, a knock was heard on the door.

Naruto opened it and Sasuke burst inside.

"I-it worked!" gasped Sasuke.

"Yes it did," said Naruto.

"I have both the Mangekyou and Rinnegan," said Sasuke.

Naruto tried to use his sage mode. It took a longer time, but he finally entered 6 paths sage mode.

"ME TOO!" he gasped.

"So... Hokage sama, what now?" asked Sasuke.

"So... we can't show them our real potential. I definitely can't," said Naruto.

"Why?" asked a confused Sasuke.

"Me being a demon is enough. If they found out that I am a 'smart' demon, they would definitely get me killed," said Naruto with a chuckle.

"I swear if they did..." trailed off Sasuke.

"Don't worry. I will just get the average marks. Not too much, not too less," said Naruto.

"So you will just hide in the crowd?" asked Sasuke.

"Yes. Meanwhile, you don't show them the three tomoe Sharingan, or Danzo would come to bite your ass," said Naruto.

"Okay, so I am gonna tell Itachi. You?"

"Ero-sennin," said Naruto with a pained look on his face.

"How are we eve gonna face them? Itachi died because of me," said Sasuke in a depressed tone.

"So we won't let him this time. We got a second chance, which only a few get. So we make sure that we make the best of it. Whatever it takes," said Naruto in a determined tone.

'He has a way with the words. I swear if I didn't know better, I would say that it was a legit jutsu,' thought Sasuke with a smile.

"Alright, Hokage sama," said Sasuke.

"I am not anymore," said Naruto.

"You will always be."

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