Chapter 2

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"Thanks, Sasuke," said Naruto.

"Welcome. Now... what do you wanna do?" asked Sasuke.

"Well, the seal has been restored. So, I hope... I could see dad," said Naruto.

"Okay," said Sasuke with a small smile.

"And I want you to come with me," said Naruto.

"WHAT?" asked a confused and surprised Sasuke.

"Yeah. I can pull you in my mindscape," said Naruto.

"B-but why me?" asked Sasuke.

"Because... you're my best friend? Brother?" asked Naruto.


The next second, they were in Naruto's mindscape.

"Oi Naruto. I am extremely weak. I suggest you take my chakra and let me go to sleep," said Kurama.

"WHAT? WHY? If you are weak, why give me chakra?" asked Naruto. 

"I will go to sleep anyways. But if in that time, something happened, then you would at least have the version one of my chakra mode," said Kurama.

"After we talk to dad, if it's possible," said Naruto.

Before anyone could say anything, he went to the seal, and tore it off.

"So... things didn't go well, huh?" came a voice.

"You could say that, otou-san."


It was night, and Gaara was sitting on the ledge.

"So... today, huh? Nice timing," muttered Gaara.

"Gaara, what happened to you? I sense something is different," said Shukaku.

"Shut up, Shukaku. Everything will be known in due time," said Gaara.

"H-how!" he gasped.

"Told you, in due time. As for now, well, let Yashamaru attack me," said Gaara. As in on cue, many kunai were launched at him.

"Yashamaru, why did you take this suicide mission?" asked Gaara.

"H-how did you find out?" asked Yashamaru. Instead of replying, Gaara lunged onto him.

"I... I missed you," said Gaara.


The next moment, they were in his mindscape, where Shukaku was pinned onto the ground.

"Right, first, let's see about this. If Naruto was right..." muttered Gaara as he went through a few hand symbols.

"Seal Expansion: Stasis conscious," he said. For a moment nothing happened, but then the chains which had pinned Shukaku down turned into a collar and now Shukaku could sit.

"Finally! FREEDOM!" Shukaku yelled before he was covered in sand. He tried to remove it, but no effect.


"This is my mind. I can do anything here as long as I can imagine it," said Gaara.

"Gaara, what are we doing here?" asked Yashamaru.

"You both, pay close attention," said Gaara, as his memories started flashing. Starting from his childhood, to the attack on him Yashamaru's words, upon which he hung his head in shame, then to the Chunin exams, where he met Naruto. How he changed him.

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