Chapter 12

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Sasuke and Sakura jumped away as Naruto wildly charged at him.

"I didn't say start," Kakashi said as he dodged his punches.

"This test is to test whether we are fit to be a genin or not, right? So do you expect a genin to just wait and get killed because he didn't get orders? Anyways, you never told us that we have to attack you after you say start," Naruto replied.

Naruto then made multiple shadow clones and charged at Kakashi, who dispelled them easily.

Naruto lunged forward to punch him, but he vanished and appeared behind him.

"A ninja shouldn't let their enemy take them from behind," said Kakashi as he used 1000 years of death.

Much to his surprise, however, Naruto burst into a cloud of smoke.

"Exactly, sensei," said Naruto as he appeared behind Kakashi with a kunai in his hand.

Naruto then tried to cut the string tying the bell to his waist, but Kakashi substituted at the last moment.

"Kakashi sensei, it was all nice and good, but I fear that I must take my leave now," he said as he too disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Meanwhile, the real Naruto was with Sasuke, rushing towards the place Sakura was supposed to be.

They both knew that Kakashi couldn't find them but Sakura, who was a novice, could easily be found. And if this was any similar to the last time, and it was, then she would be put under a genjutsu.

Kakashi meanwhile was baffled. He had just gone against Naruto's clones. He was clever, not anything like he was told to be. 

He pushed these thoughts out of his mind as he focused on finding them. To his surprise, only Sakura could be found, and no one else.

'Who are these two?' he thought as he went in her direction.

"Sakura," he said as he appeared behind her.

She yelped in surprise as she jumped back. Kakashi was about to put her in a genjutsu when Naruto appeared in front of her.

"Sorry Kakashi sensei, can't let you hurt my teammate," he said as Sasuke also came behind him and took Sakura's hand and ran.

"Dobe, I am leaving this to you," he said before he ran.

Naruto was just standing in front of him.

"So... what are you gonna do?" asked Kakashi.

"Oh I am already doing my stuff," he said and the next second, a second Naruto burst from the ground.

"You and your shadow clones," Kakashi muttered.

"Come on, I took on an army with these," said Naruto.

"Army? What are you talking about?" asked Kakashi.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." 
(A/N- He isn't talking about the fourth ninja war)

Naruto and Kakashi then engaged in a taijutsu battle.

'He's too fast for me. I need to use it,' he thought as he uncovered his Sharingan.

"So the copy ninja finds me a worthy enough opponent to use the Sharingan," Naruto commented with a smirk.

"I would be lying if I said you didn't surprise me. Though you're supposed to be an average student not particularly good at anything, so how are you so strong?" 

"Well, you see, there are already enough people trying to kill me because of Kyubi. If I had become strong, they would increase the efforts and I might actually have gotten killed. So I pretended to be just an average kid," was Naruto's reply.

Kakashi was shocked that Naruto knew about Kyubi and even more shocked to hear that people tried to kill him.

Sasuke and Sakura were running towards the lake where they had begun the exams.

"Sasuke kun, where are we going?" she asked. She was happy that Naruto and Sasuke had saved her, but she really needed to know where they were going.

"We are going to regroup," he answered as he came to a stop.

"How?" she asked, and Sasuke took out a kunai and pushed it into the ground.

Kakashi and Naruto had locked their eyes.

"Sensei, don't try genjutsu, it won't affect me as Kyubi will disrupt my chakra," he said.

"He helps you?"

"Yes. After much persuasion and a lot of talking, we came to friendly terms when I was 6. After that he told me about my dad and how... let's talk after the test," he said.

Kakashi just nodded, and the next second Naruto disappeared in a yellow flash.

"Oh no... I am fucked," he thought.

Sakura's jaw was on the floor as she saw Naruto appear.

"That was flying Raijin!" she gasped.

"Yes. anyways, we need a plan," said Naruto, and looked at Sakura.

"Why are you guys looking at me?" she asked.

"A plan. You are the smartest of us," said Sasuke and she blushed.

"Yeah. We have experience and shit but most of our tactics are big scale and we can't attract attention, or the villagers would flip out," he said.

"But there are only two bells, one of us will fail," she said.

"Don't care. We are a team, so we work together," said Sasuke.

"Naruto, so how much of his chakra can you use?" asked Sakura.

"Whose?" he asked, confused.

"Kyubi's. I mean, jinchurikis can use the tailed beast chakra," she said.

"You know?" he asked.

"Yeah. I found out about two or three years ago. So... how much?" she asked casually, surprising both Naruto and Sasuke.

"We are friends," he replied hesitantly.

"So I guess completely. But we can't use it too much. Version 1 would be enough to both distract him and tire him out. I can transform into a weapon or a leaf or grass or something," she said.

"Wait a minute. How do you know all this? AND HOW CAN YOU TRANSFORM INTO A GRASS! The smaller and thinner the object is, the better chakra control it takes. Only a few people can transform into a leaf. And to transform in a grass you need sannin level control," said Naruto.

"Yeah, well, I don't know how but I can transform into one," she said with her tongue out and an embarrassed expression on her face. "And about the Kyubi, well, one day I heard someone calling you that so I researched in the library where I found out a lot."

Naruto was baffled and Sasuke was impressed.

"anyways, back to the topic. Uh... I say we threaten that book of his. It's in his pouch right?" asked Sakura.

"Yeah," said Naruto.

"Yesterday he was very protective of that when ho got caught in your prank. So let's use that to put him on the defensive and then I will surprise him and take the bells," she said.


Hello everyone, so I have published my BNHA fanfic, please do check it out once. I will put the link in comments. And thank you all for all the reads and vote.

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