Chapter 16

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Naruto and Zabuza were standing in front of each other.

For a few seconds, there was no movement. Then, all of a sudden, they both disappeared as multiple clangs were heard.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu," said Zabuza as the area was covered in mist.

"Wind Release: Twister," said Naruto. This was a C-rank jutsu made by him. Even though it was C-rank as it did not do much damage and used a very small amount of Chakra, it was very useful.

Since the mist was containing Chakra and could not be dispelled easily, he was going to disrupt its flow and Zabuza's senses.

Unlike normal jutsu, this one was constantly pulling the mist so it became thinner and due to all the noise it created, Zabuza was having trouble sensing Naruto.

"Lightning Release: Thunderbolt," said Naruto, and a bolt of lightning shot out of his hand hitting Zabuza point-blank.

"H-how did you get behind me?" asked Zabuza.

"I threw this Kunai and it flew with the current and landed beside you," said Naruto with a grin.


Zabuza turned to slash at Naruto and to his surprise, Naruto did nothing to stop him, getting cut in half. Sakura screeched and Kakashi's eyes widened, until the two halves dispelled, confusing everyone.

"Reinforced Shadow Clone," said Sasuke leaning against a tree with a bored look on his face.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough," yelled Naruto as a large gust of air hit Zabuza sending him flying.

"Water release: Water Dragon Bullet jutsu!" he yelled as a large dragon formed behind him.

"Wind Release: Spiralling wind ball," said Naruto as a small ball formed in his hand.

The dragon shot towards him. However, instead of hitting the dragon, Naruto slammed the wind ball onto the surface of the water, shooting up a large amount of water everywhere.

"Huh?" said Zabuza.

The dragon hit where Naruto was standing, only for it to be destroyed.

"How?" muttered Zabuza.

"Remnant of the jutsu. A small tornado stayed there. After all, the jutsu is nothing but wind rotating so fast that it becomes visible," came Naruto's voice behind him.

He turned, but it was too late as a Rasengan hit him in the stomach.

"Gah!" Zabuza spat as he was sent flying.

"That's it. Water Release: Great Waterfall," said Zabuza as a large wave of water rushed towards Naruto.

"Seal Art: Flame Formation Wall!" yelled Naruto as a red translucent wall appeared in front of him as Kanji flowed from his hand.

The waterfall hit the wall and the water was almost completely evaporated.

"Seal Art: Rain of Fire," said Naruto as a seal materialized in the sky out of which multiple meteorites completely covered in fire rained down.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" yelled Haku and Sakura, as Kakashi whistled. This was the favorite jutsu of Naruto's mother. She had killed about 300 people at once during the war using this jutsu. Considering this was of a smaller scale, yet this was enough to keep Zabuza busy. However, after this, Naruto would only have enough chakra for one more jutsu.

Kakashi couldn't be more wrong. Naruto, being Chakra powerhouse, was still very full. The same could not be said for Zabuza. He was almost half, and this threat was really big. He needed to repeat the Waterfall jutsu, however then he would be left with only a fourth of his Chakra. Unlike Kisame, he could not absorb the opponent's chakra, so he couldn't do anything.

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