Chapter 6

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"Naruto and Sasuke were rushing towards Kumo along with Jiraiya, who was a little behind.

"You know, there is one of Orochimaru's bases here," said Sasuke.

"So..." started Naruto.

"Let's raid it? The information we get would be valuable. It may even tell us about how those meteorites were made and what was inside them, and how to stop it," asked Jiraiya.

After a few minutes of searching, they found an underground entrance to one of Orochimaru's bases. They entered it using Jiraiya's transparency jutsu he had originally developed to spy in hot springs.

After dodging countless guards, they finally reached a room, full of people experimenting on various animals.

"There weren't supposed to be human hostages here, but let's check just in case," said Sasuke.

They checked multiple rooms, only to find no one. But in the final room, they saw a girl, no more than 11 years old, gagged and tied.

"SHIT!" he cursed. Sasuke and Jiraiya knew who she was. She was Yugito Nii, the two tails jinchuriki.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Naruto.

"W-who are you?" she asked a little scared.

"I am Naruto, and I am a friend," he said as he helped her up after untying her.

"Are you from Kumo?" she asked.

"No, we are Konoha... uh... civilians, kind of?" said Naruto, unsure.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Let's talk later," said Naruto.

"Ero sennin, grab whatever you can, we are gonna blow up the base," said Naruto.

"How exactly?" asked Jiraiya.

"I should be able to do an Almighty Push big enough to take this down," said Sasuke.

"And a tailed beast bomb," said Naruto. Sasuke and Naruto were now grinning like madmen, and Jiraiya just watched them with a sweat-drop. Yugito meanwhile was a little scared.

They then turned to Jiraiya with an irritated look.

"What are you waiting for?" they both asked at the same time.

"Come on, you too are a seal master, help me," said Jiraiya.

"Well, ero sennin, I am nowhere above 7, while you are full 10, so start," said Naruto as he pushed him.

Jiraiya hung his head as a purple cloud of depression formed over his head.

"Go go go, you are a fucking sannin," said Naruto.

A few minutes later, they were in a room in the center of the base.

"Why does this place look like a cell?" asked Naruto.

"Because it is. They keep the people they experiment upon here," said Yugito.

"Right. Ero sennin, go outside, and when at a safe distance, channel your chakra into the kunai," said Naruto, giving him a three-pronged Kunai.

Jiraiya nodded and then ran outside.

"H-how are we gonna go outside?" asked Yugito.

"You'll see," both of them said.

After a few seconds, Naruto felt chakra being poured in his Hiraishin kunai and looked towards Sasuke who nodded.

All of a sudden, Naruto burst into orange flames, startling Yugito.

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