Chapter 14

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"NO!" yelled Naruto.

"But Narut-" started Hiruzen, before once again being interrupted by Naruto.


"I know Naruto but you need to do enough D-ranks too, for Kakashi and Sakura aren't used to your ty-"

"JUST A C-RANK!" he yelled with puppy eyes. Iruka and Sakura were just too shocked to say anything.

"Okay, okay, a C-Rank. Send him in," said Hiruzen, and the next moment an old drunk man entered.

"That's it? I asked for ninjas, not squirts, especially the short blonde one," said Tazuna as he entered.

"Oooh old man, you'll soon be eating your words," Naruto commented nonchalantly.

"Come on, a bunch of kids and a pirate wannabe? How will they be able to protect me?" he asked, and the next second was hit by a large amount of Killer Intent.

"I don't care what you say, but don't disrespect my sensei," said Naruto, in an extremely calm yet scary voice.

"Y-y-yes," stuttered Tazuna as he tried not to piss in his pants.

"Naruto, it's fine," said Kakashi with an eye smile.

"Whatever you say..." Naruto said with a pout.

"Alright, meet me at the gate in about an hour," said Kakashi before vanishing in a swirl of leaves.

"I am out," said Sasuke and Sakura together before they used lightning shunshin and earth shunshin respectively.

"Whoa... they just left. That's rude," said Naruto with raised eyes.

"Anyways, see you Jiji," said Naruto before he too disappeared in a gust of wind, notifying the use of wind shunshin.

"Showoffs," muttered Iruka with a proud smile.

An hour later, the team was at the gate, waiting for Kakashi.

"I am going to give him one more minute," muttered Naruto angrily as he took out a scroll containing all his pranking stuff.

"Seriously? You brought this for the mission?" asked Sakura.

"The worst defeat is one with humiliation. If the opponent needs to be completely broken, you humiliate him, hurt his pride and then defeat him," said Naruto.

"Damn, you're cruel at times," said Sakura.

"This is only for the ones who need to be interrogated. Only then do we break them. We make their defeat look like a joke so they fear us and give info easily," said Naruto.

"Wow Naruto, Ibiki would love to have you as a student," said Kakashi as he appeared.

"Yeah, well, nope. I am happy where I am," he said with a smile.

"Alright, let's go," said Kakashi as he started to walk.


The group had been walking for a few hours when Naruto noticed the puddle.

'Wait! It hasn't rained in a week, and last time Kakashi sensei knew we were gonna be attacked. I can't believe we were so stupid that we didn't notice this,' thought Naruto.

"Damn, this is a long walk," said Naruto as he slowed down a little.

"Well, you should have known that this would happen," said Sakura.

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