Chapter 13

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Kakashi was jumping from tree to tree towards the place where he had sensed them when he saw a kunai coming towards him. 

Seeing that it was a little towards his left, he dodged right.

But just as it was about to pass him, he saw a paper tag rolled around the kunai. His eyes widened in shock as the kunai exploded, charring his clothes.

"Are they really trying to kill me? I know I told them, but I didn't expect this level of skills," he muttered, as he saw multiple shurikens and kunai coming towards him. He dodged them, but they turned and followed him.

'Sasuke knows how to manipulate weapons using strings!'

"Kakashi sensei, is your book alright?" asked Naruto, and Kakashi panicked.

He quickly turned to see that his pouch holding it was slightly charred but the insides were safe.

'Oh shit! My Icha Icha...' thought Kakashi as few more kunai came flying towards him.

All of a sudden, Sasuke sent a giant fireball towards him. He was about to dodge left but Naruto sent a few Shuriken towards him, forcing him to go towards the right, leaving his left side exposed.

"Wind Release: Gale Palm," Naruto yelled, and a small amount of flame was directed towards Kakashi.

'MY ICHA ICHA!' he thought as he turned to save his book, as the flame burned a little of his right hand.

"Gah!" he gasped, when all of a sudden, Sakura reverse-transformed from a leaf and nailed him on the jaw, and grabbed the bell.

Kakashi was about to attack her when she substituted herself with a log.

"Looks like we won Kakashi sensei," said Sakura.

"So, who are you going to give it to?" asked Kakashi.

"Either we all pass or we all fail. We aren't going to split up now that we are a team," Sakura said matter-of-factly.

"You all pass," said Kakashi with an eye smile.

"Wait for real?" asked Sakura.


Naruto and Sasuke were cheering and Kakashi just smiled at them.

"Hey Naruto and Sasuke, you both didn't tell me about how you both were so powerful," said Kakashi.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and Naruto nodded.

"Well..." said Sasuke as he dropped the Genjutsu hiding his Rinnegan, and Kakashi's eyes widened.

"H-how!" gasped Kakashi.

"Naruto's power is better," said Sasuke as Naruto entered Sage mode.

"W-what is it?" asked Kakashi.

"Well, it's the perfect sage mode, known as 6-path sage mode," said Naruto.


"That's not all," said Sasuke, and Naruto erupted into golden flames.

"This is Kyubi, better known as Kurama's power," said Naruto.

"You can control him?" asked Kakashi.

"Well, that's the thing, this isn't controlling, it's a partnership," he replied.

"How? He killed the fourth and many others," said Kakashi.

"Yes, I know he killed dad, but the thing is, on that day, a masked man had snuck into the place mom was giving birth and he ripped him out of mom and released him on the village under a genjutsu," said Naruto.

"So he was under a genjutsu?" asked Kakashi.

"Mostly. But dad freed him. However, when he saw dad sealing him into me again, he panicked, and that's why he killed them. Dad left his chakra into the seal and a few years ago, after I had become friendly enough for him to hold proper conversations with me without trying to kill me, he and dad also, like, set things straight."

"Sensei could do it," said Kakashi with his hand on his chin.

"Yep. that's how I got to know about him."

"Sage mode?"

"Well, that's a long story."


"So you're telling me that you both have half the power of sage of six paths, and Naruto has chakra of all the tailed beast," asked Kakashi.

"Well, yeah," said Sasuke.

"Who is your dad?" asked Sakura, speaking after a long time.

"Any guesses?" asked Naruto.

Sakura looked at him intensely.

"Blond hair, blue eyes..." she muttered.

"... Wait! Spiky hair too! If we ignore the whisker marks, you could pass as a clone of The Fourth in his young days!" gasped Sakura.

"How do you know how dad looked like in his genin days?" asked Naruto.

"His name is in the school's list of achievers, along with his photo. Most of us have seen it," said Sakura.

"Right..." muttered Naruto, irritated on missing such an important detail.

"B-but the villagers should know! They treat you like trash, even though you're his son!" gasped Sakura.

"Respect is better when earned. I am planning to reveal it when I become a chunin, not before. Plus Iwa would be on my ass, dad had a talent of pissing them off," said Naruto.

"That he did," said Kakashi with a chuckle.

"Sensei, now that you know we are strong, can we jump straight to C-ranks?" he asked.

"Well... how about no?" he asked sarcastically.

"But sensei, we have done S-rank and A-rank missions, C-ranks will be nothing," said Naruto.

"True, but you overlooked one thing," he said, and Naruto and Sasuke looked at him in confusion, while Sakura looked at him in understanding.

"It would have the exact opposite effect of what you want Naruto," Sakura said.

"Yes. Think, if you were given a C-rank straight off the bat, it would raise too much suspicion. If the council would get to know, well you already know what would happen," he said.

"Right, so we have to do chores," groaned Naruto.

"Now now, don't be so glum, these should be cakewalk for you," said Kakashi with an eye smile.

"Well, it should be..." muttered Naruto.

A few days later, Naruto's scream of anguish could be heard by all villagers.


Hey guys so the next chap will probably come out the next week, as there's the schedule and also I am down with Covid. Till then, if you want check out my other books.

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