Chapter 10

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Naruto was currently sitting in his class, as today, teams were going to be announced.

After a few unimportant teams, finally, his turn came.

"Team 7 is Naruto Uzumaki," he said as Naruto smirked.

"Sakura Haruno."

Sakura looked at Naruto and smiled.

"And Sasuke Uchiha."

Sasuke and Naruto fist-bumped, and many people in the class were shocked as they didn't know that Naruto and Sasuke were friends. They just thought that they sat together as Sasuke didn't want to socialize and Naruto as he didn't have any other seat. 

Ino and Sakura meanwhile had locked eyes. Then all of a sudden Ino tilted her head and smiled at her.

"Keep him happy forehead," she said.

"B-but I thought you liked him," said Sakura, caught off-guard.

"I did, but then I saw how much you like him. To be honest I can't compete with that level of dedication. I guess he and I aren't meant to be," she said.

"Thank you," said Sakura.

"Don't thank me, I will find a more handsome one," she said with a confident smirk.

"Your jonin sensei is Kakashi Hatake," he announced.

'I'll once again have to wait for hours,' Naruto groaned internally.

"You know, you could always just take that prank of yours to the next level," said Kurama.

"the duster one?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. Except for this time, make him regret coming late," said Kurama, and Naruto in his mindscape grinned sadistically.


Sakura was currently fuming on her sensei.

"WHERE IS HE!" she yelled at no one in particular.

"He's a little too late," said Sasuke.

"A little? It's been three hours," she replied with gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, he's gonna regret it," said Naruto with a sadistic grin on his mouth.

"Normally, I would scold you, but he deserves it. Just make sure it's nothing too obvious. He isn't a Jonin for nothing," she said with a sadistic smirk.

"And I ain't the king of pranks for nothing. He may be Jonin, but I have dealt with Anbu," he said with an equally sadistic smirk.

'Oh shit. Kakashi Sensei, you messed up,' was all that was going in Sasuke's mind.


Kakashi was walking while reading his book without a care for the world. He had to meet his genin team today, and he just wanted to see how badly they would fail.

How did he know they would fail? Simple. There was an Uchiha on the team, along with someone who had below-average grades. Uchiha had a superiority complex, and would only be mix with the best. So teamwork between the team would be next to impossible. Not to mention that the Uchiha and the certain person who happened to be his sensei's kid didn't see eye to eye, or so he was told.

But one thing was stuck in his mind. 

"This team would be very different."

These were the words of Hokage sama. Why did he say that? No one knows.

But anyway, it's not like anyone had passed his bell test before. Deep inside, he knew that only seasoned teams like him himself along with Might Guy or Ino-Shika-Cho could take the bells or even pass the test, because they trusted each other. If you put random genin into a team and then pit them against each other, then they would definitely fail. 

Yet, this was the third time he was assigned genins to test.

He was in front of the door. But there was only silence. He had expected that by now, the genin would be groaning and complaining about how late he was, or talking about stuff, but there was just silence.

The silence wasn't normal either. It was a silence that was there in enemy bases, the scary, eerie silence.

'My mind is playing tricks on me,' he thought.

He then opened the door and was met by a Kunai speeding towards him. To be precise, his Icha Icha. His eyes widened as he took out a kunai and deflected it. However, the very next second, a bucket filled with ice-cold water appeared above him.

He jumped back, but a little of the water fell on him, wetting the front of his shirt. 

His back touched the wall behind him, and a slimy sticky substance was all over him.

He jumped inside the classroom, but this time, it wasn't just a single kunai, it was a bunch of them. He jumped up, but the part of the ceiling above him burst into a cloud of smoke as a bunch of water balloons filled with pink hair dye diluted with water fell on his head and then a heap of sparkles was dumped upon him.

He then turned to see that the sticky slimy substance was actually a lot of glue and now his back was completely covered in sparkles.

He was now extremely pissed. But more than that, he was impressed. The level of planning that must have gone into just planning the prank would be jonin level. 

'I mean I am jonin for the god's sake. To catch me off guard and to have thought of every step, including my reflexes, and to time everything. Not to mention the seals, they are genin for god's sake, seals themselves put the ninja at chunin level.

He then looked at the kids. Naruto and Sakura were laughing like crazy, while Sasuke was trying to contain his laughter and failing miserably.

"My first impression of you all..." started Kakashi.

Naruto was thinking. Even though he knew it wasn't exactly true, but it still hurt when he would hear 'I hate you from his mouth. So he decided to make him feel a little bit guilty, because, well he deserved it, plus he would just say the truth.

"... I hate you," he completed.

"Everybody does, anything new?" was Naruto's reply, and Kakashi's eyes widened a little.

'This must be a sensitive matter for him. I just hurt sensei's kid, didn't I?' he thought when Sakura lightly flicked his head.

"Lies, we don't hate you," she said as she pointed at herself and Sasuke.

"Right. Him, however, is a different case," said Sasuke glaring at Kakashi.

"W-who set up the prank?" asked Kakashi with a sweat-drop, trying to lighten the mood.

"Naruto," was Sasuke's and Sakura's reply, and the said genin just shrugged.

"Where did you learn to draw seals?" asked Kakashi.

"Jiraiya sensei," he replied and Kakashi's eyes widened. The person in front of him was his sensei's kid AND his sensei's sensei's student!

"Wait, you're a sannin's student!" gasped Sakura.

"Sasuke is too, but Ero-sennin doesn't teach him that much, as he can't help with Sharingan. He generally practices on his own, but when needing help in jutsus, he goes to Iruka sensei," replied Naruto.

"Wow, you guys are lucky," replied Sakura, a little down.

"Not really," was Naruto's reply, and he seemed a little down.

"I didn't mean like that," she said.

"Right. Anyways, sensei, what's the plan?" asked Naruto.

"Meet me on the roof for introduction," said Kakashi with an eye smile.

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