Chapter Four

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Chapter Four - Sorting Ceremony Hat

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Chapter Four - Sorting Ceremony Hat

Third Person Pov

As we made it to Howgwarts Academy and I was in so much awes as well and I couldn't wait too see my aunties and uncles.

As we made it inside and waiting for Professor McGonagall or we called it Auntie Minnie and Uncle Severus.

"So it's true then Renaeè HeavenGlade Serena and Harry Potter is here at the  Howgwarts Academy "

Soon enough everyone begun too then whispering pines about me and Harry and then ron snickered when he then Introduce himself to both of them.

" Crabby and Goyle and I'm Malfoy , Draco Malfoy "

Ron then snickered and draco then glared at him and said

" No need too Introduce yourself , Red Hair and a Hand me down robes you must be a Weasley " he said and done with that Ron down looked sad and as Renaeè looked at draco with a Angry's looked as well. And he begun too then Finished of what he was saying

" We'll soon find that some Wizarding Families are better than others Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort.I can help you 2 there" he gave ron another look and then he extended a hand for a shake.

" I think i can tell who the wrong sorts are for myself, thanks " Harry rejected Him , draco glares at him then he just turned towards me.

"So then How about you HeavenGlade Serena " I gained everyone attention, and I'm basically starting to hate it , not going to lie.

" I would love to but , I think I already know what house I'm going to be put on " I said looking away and rejection him as well and I heard many of the people snickered at them as well. And before he could reply. Auntie Minnie came back and smacked him on the shoulder with a paper. He retreating with one last glare at the two Boys,

" We are ready for you now " she said.

She leads us through the large doors and into the great hall, where there are four long tables with many older kids , as well as floating candles. The roof appears to be the sky,

" It's not real , the ceiling. It's just all bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Howgwarts : a history. " I heard Hermione spoke, I've seemed  the same scenes before, but I too still get amazed.

As they the first years was walking in the line more likely looking at Renaeè with Love and Lust and always just all blushing madly when she smiled and smirked and Laughed. She doesn't too noticed that many older and younger kids are actually looking at her like as she was a piece of meat Already.

But then their uneasiness struck of all of them again, and they immediately looked down as Auntie Minnie silently set a Four - Legged Stools in Fronts of the First years. On top of the stool, she puts a pointed Wizard's Hat. This Hats was Patched and Frayed and was also extremely dirty.

Many things have been getting on to my Mind. Like which House will be , I will be Sorted ?Noticing that everyone in the hall was now Gazing at the Hat, I stared at it too. For a few seconds, as there was a complete silence. Then the hat twitched. A rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth -- and hat begun to sing :

" Oh you may think that I'm pretty "

But don't judge on what you see
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your black,
Your sleek and tall,
For I'm the Howgwarts sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The sorting hat can't see
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

Time Skip ~~~

After everyone was sorted it was then my turn everyone looked at the 11 yrs old girl with blushing faces as she sits  down on the stool and the hat have to passed down her face as some girl and boys cooed at cuteness and Adorable's as well. The young girl then blushed it was then everyone was looking at her as well and wondering what house as she will be placed in soon enough but it shocked Everyone that she was now placed into Every single one of them.

Then dumbledore made another huge success announcement and then they all started to eat dinner ( Renaeè sats with Gryffindore table and they're all really happy since they got the one an only Princess and others tables just all glared at them ).

After that happened many boys and girls are completely following up their Perfects and everyone keep on just all sharing loving glances at the girl she's already talking with Hermione her to very first Friend as well.

As their Prefects said their Passwords the girls and boys quickly ran Straight into their rooms and begun to unpack their luggages and everything. She too saw her Owl Sombra and Pet Dragons Flame and her Snake Hades, Zack and Lilith and Her Pet Cat Kora and her pet Phoenix Phoebe just on her bed as well after that happened she took a shower and got dressed into her owns nightclothes and said goodnight to all her roommates as they blushed and to said goodnight to her as well.

Maybe being in other houses wasn't so bad after all. It's always takes time an everything.

What they Looked like as well

What they Looked like as well

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Daughter of Olympics and Howgwarts || Yandere Various x Renaeè { YEAR 1 - 7  }Where stories live. Discover now