03- Lessons

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June 17, 1562

when I walked into the queen's chambers I made a deep curtsy. "You have asked for me, Your Majesty," I said.

Catherine sat at her desk, her dark eyes fixed on me.

Any other person would be put off by that look but it didn't affect me. After all, we were family and came from the same Nobel family. even though I came from the junior branch. Her branch of the family had fallen and no longer existed. now it was my father who made the name Medici great again.

She sighed "with the arrival of Mary much will change here at court, including Francis." She got up from her chair and stood straight in front of me. "I don't trust her and therefore want you to spy on her. I may have my own spies but they will never be able to get as close to her as a girl her own age "

I nodded "if that is your request I will do as you wish" I said reverently, it wouldn't be difficult to spy on Mary.

Catherine smiled "then that is now resolved, now go to her rooms, her ladies-in-waiting are now being taught by Lady Foix"

I curtsied and walked to Mary's rooms. Her rooms were on the other side of the palace, and I'm sure it would have been Catherine's choice.

I didn't understand why she hated Mary so much. She had been just a child when she had come to France for safety, but Catherine had sent her to a monastery within a few months with a lame excuse.

I had arrived at Mary's door and motioned for the lackey to keep the door closed. I stood with my ear to the door to hear what they were talking about.

"You have returned to the court at your own queen's bidding. As noble ladies, you must counsel her, prepare her, account for her. For the Princess Elisabeth's wedding, as with any event, you must acquaint yourselves, and Mary, with all visiting royalty and dignitaries. Who amongst you is fluent in spanish? "I heard Madame Foix say.

I had never liked Madame Foix, as a child she had taught me, Elisabeth and Claude the rules of etiquette.

"I suppose I am" someone answered doubtfully "Well, you will be sitting next to the king's nephew, he has no teeth and speaks very quickly"

The girl burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes in annoyance at their childishness. These girls were the queen's ladies-in-waiting but behaved just like children.

"Announce me," I said to the lackey as I rearranged my dress. "The Lady Bianca," said the lackey, opening the door for her.

I walked into the room and made a short, graceful curtsy. "Your Grace, This is Lady Bianca De' Medici, "said Lady Foix.

"Thank you Lady Foix, you can leave the room. I will explain a little more to the queen and her ladies about the court," I said without giving her a look, she made an curtsy and then walked out of the room.

"Your grace, it is an honor to finally meet, I have heard a lot from you," I said, smiling, "likewise," she said.

I was surprised how good her French was, I thought she would have a Scottish accent.

"I would just start with the most important thing. Avoid the men at court, they want nothing but pleasure." I looked at the young ladies-in-waiting one by one

"Well that's clear then," the dark-haired girl whispered irritated. I looked at her with a fake smile. The girl thought she could treat me that way but she probably didn't know who I was yet.

"I have nothing more to tell you. Your Majesty" I nodded to Queen Mary and left the room.

"Who does she think she is?" I heard someone whisper through the closed doors. "She's not a high-ranking woman, but she does act like one.

These new girls would regret not having heeded my warnings.

And I would too

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