18- Promises

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August 6th, 1563

a year went by that I was in Italy. A year without Francis.I sometimes thought of him. I wondered what he was doing and if he was still thinking about me. He didn't write me any letters, maybe because he was so busy with his wife.

I tried to focus on other things like my studies. My father had decided to let me start my studies again because he didn't think my French education was good enough. I was now educated in Italian, Latin, Politics, Math, Religion and Literature among others.

After my studies I was also very busy with my brothers, especially Pietro. Without his mother, he needed a feminine figure in his life. My older sister Isabella spent most of her time in Rome, leaving me with the task of arranging Pietro's upbringing.

Of course he had his governesses and tutors but someone had to give them their duties. As the only woman in the house, I took over the role that my stepmother had and then my older sister.

I saw my father a lot. our relationship had improved a lot in a year and he often involved me in his affairs.

for a girl I was given a lot of responsibility.

But I'm afraid they're going to use that against me.


I walked with Ferdinand and Francesco to my father's study.

"Father, you called us" Francesco said as we walked in. Father sat behind his large work table with a pile of documents in his hand. "Take a seat my children" he said.

We sat down on the chairs scattered around his table. "Is everything okay, father?" I asked concerned at the sight of his serious expression.

Father nodded and began to speak "A great opportunity awaits us for our family. I have worked with King Charles for many years to get Italian territory under our name. Now I have the chance to control all of Tuscany. There I have need your help"

Francesco sat up "what can we do for you". "The Pope wants to give me Tuscany under one condition," said Father, "My daughter's hand for his son Ottavio"

father and my brothers were looking at me now.

"the Pope wants me to marry his son?" I asked, father nodded. "You know I can't do this father, you know that!" I said loudly, my voice broke with panic.

father looked at me with pity "you're a Medici, you have to give things up for your family. We all have to, look at Isabella." "I'm not Isabella father. You expect me to marry the Pope's son and then live in the Vatican for the rest of my life just so you can rule Tuscany and become a Grand Duke? I just got back to Italy after you left me in france for 7 years and now you want to leave me somewhere again. am i worth so little to you" i yelled angrily.

I got up from my chair and stormed out of the room.

"Bianca wait!" Father shouted as he followed me "I'm not doing this because I don't love you, just the opposite. I saw what you were like when you first got here. You were sad because you weren't with Francis."

I stopped and turned to my father.

"I know you loved him, and probably will love him for the rest of your life. But one day you will have to get married and I will do my best to find you someone who is worthy of you. Yes, a marriage between you and ottavio suits me too, but he has money, power and a worthy name."

"I don't want to leave you again father" I said softly, father walked up to me and hugged me "and that won't be necessary. Ottavio is the head of the papal armies. He will often be traveling and that means you can stay here with us in palazzo pitti, or with your sister in rome. The choice is yours"

I nodded "Do you promise?"

Father smiled "I promise you"

Bianca 17 years
Cosimo 43 years
Isabella 20 years
Francesco 21 years
Ferdinand 13 years
Pietro 8 years

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