27- The Truth

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March 5th, 1563.

When I had rested, Anna helped me get ready for dinner. I put on a Dark Blue Dress and had my wavy hair braided into a long braid and decorated with ribbons of blue velvet.

When I was done I went to the dining room, which was completely empty, and stood by the window.

I looked out on the gardens that I once walked endlessly through. A little further in the garden, on the edge of the forest, there was a place where we used to play as children and I remembered to visit it later.

Maximilian came into the room and stood next to me "Duke Maximilian" I said jokingly as a greeting, "Lady Bianca" he bent over to my ear "How do you feel? Now that you have seen Francis again"

I leaned closer to him "He seems to have completely forgotten me so what can I feel" I said sadly "He's a married man now and I'm a married woman, we could never get together"

Maximilian nodded "He never forgot you. The day after you left he kept asking about you and as you asked me I lied to him and said you left of your own choice because you couldn't bear to see him married. It was horrible, his heart was broken and I think he did everything to get you out of his mind. Now all of a sudden you're back and saying that you're married, so of course he's curt and distant now."

"Thank you, thank you for lying to Francis for my sake. I didn't want him to hate his father because of me. I wish he were happy with his wife" I looked at him gratefully. "Well he isn't "

I wanted to ask what he meant but Francis, Catherine and Mary walked into the room and I walked over to greet them, especially Catherine.

I made a deep curtsy "Your Majesties" I rose and turned to Catherine "My condolences on your loss, Queen Mother." I said. She smiled "Thank you, welcome back. It's a joy to see you again" She sat down in her chair opposite Mary's and motioned for me to sit next to her.

"Mary told me you're married now," she said after everyone had sat down and dinner was served. "Yes, since half a year" I replied politely.

"And was it a marriage of love or politics?" She looked at me closely. "A Marriage of Politics"

"There are still few marriages of love," Mary said, adding into the conversation "Now everything is for your own gain"

"I agree, but a marriage of politics can always blossom into love. At least that's the case in your marriage or not," I said, looking at her and Francis.

"It sure is, isn't it, dear?" Mary said smiling as she took Francis' hand. "yes" he said without looking at her "it will be time for Maximilian to get married too, isn't it" he said to take the attention away from him.

Maximilian rolled his eyes "I am in no way looking for a wife, dear brother. I think the single life is more suitable for me" he said with a laugh.

"You will need heirs, otherwise our father has made you duke for nothing," Francis said back, "Don't worry about that, majesty. I will marry and have heirs, many in fact. But everything will come in its time." "

We continued talking throughout dinner, laughing and drinking.

After dinner, instead of going to my room like everyone else, I went to the library.

The library was the last place I had last spoken to Francis before we had to write to each other or speak to Max.

I looked through the books, looking for something to distract my mind with, then sat down in the corner where no one could see me.

I was so engrossed in my book that I didn't notice that someone had walked in.

"Bianca" someone suddenly said, which made me look up from my book. I saw it was Francis, he was still dressed in the same clothes as at dinner.

I quickly got up to make a curtsy. "Your Majesty," I said, I could not look at him and hardly dared call him by his name. We had grown so far apart, as if we didn't love each other very much a year ago.

"Why?" He said. I looked incomprehensibly at "Why what?" I asked.

"Why did you leave?" He said softly I felt something break inside me when I saw how fragile he looked "I loved you"

"I loved you too, but your father banished him from the country. If I had ever taken another step in France he would have killed me" I confessed to "I had to".

Francis walked up to me "why didn't you tell me? I would have understood then", "I did not want you to go to your father. I didn't want to break your relationship any further. I asked max to lie to you for that reason".

Francis looked almost surprised "So max knew all along but lied to me". "I asked him, even begged. Don't be mad at him"

"How can I not be mad Bianca!" He now said loudly "How can I not be angry. You suddenly disappeared without saying a word."

I felt tears running down my cheeks "Do you think it wasn't hard for me! I had to watch you and mary make love, your father forced me to watch. I was banned from the country and then forced to marry someone else, a man who abused me almost weekly" I bit my lip as I said those words, I wasn't supposed to say that.

Francis looked startled "He's doing what? He's abusing you?", he wanted to walk towards me but I shrank back. "You know, never mind what I just said, it doesn't matter. I just want you to know that I have always loved you and that I have thought of you every day, that I have cried for you and prayed for you. I want you to know that you are the only person in my heart" I sobbed "and even though you love Mary my feelings for you will never go away"

Francis hugged me, his arms wrapped tightly around me. And for the first time in months I felt warmth in me again.

I had missed these familiar arms. The smell of his skin and the beating of his heart.

"I never loved Mary, Bianca. You are the only person in my heart. And I never want to lose you again" he said before kissing me.

Aah this is so romantic omg I feel so single right now.

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