56- The Birth Of The Child

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August 10th , 1566.




I called his name as I screamed in pain. I had been in labor for hours but the baby didn't seem to come out of me no matter what the midwives did.

They said if I didn't give birth soon, me and my baby would be dead.

I clung to the rope tied between the bars of the bed as I got on my knees. "God help me!" I moaned "Help!"

I cried. What if I came to die. Then Louis would be alone without mother.

No, I couldn't let that happen. The baby and I would get out of here alive.

"My lady, please squeeze." The midwife said in a panic, she knew if one of us died she would be blamed.

I screamed and squeezed as hard as I could.

I felt the child come out of me and gave another scream.

Cecily immediately placed a wet washcloth on my head. She looked anxiously at the midwife holding the baby in her arms. The baby didn't cry.

"My god, no." Cecily whispered softly. I also looked frightened at the midwife rubbing the baby's back.

I heard the child's cry and smiled weakly. It was alive, thank goodness.

I sank into Cecily's arms.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice hoarse from screaming.

"A girl, a healthy, beautiful girl." cried the midwife, delighted.

She took the baby to the bath and washed her while I was also washed and the bed changed.

When I was back on the bed, Joan went to Francis to announce that the baby had been born. Cecily also left the room to rest.

Francis came into the room and went straight to the bed where he kissed me on the forehead.

"Is everything okay dear? I heard what a difficult delivery it was." he asked concerned. I nodded "Everything is going well." I said softly.

The midwife came over with the baby and handed her to Francis. "Your daughter, your Majesty."

I motioned for her to leave the room and then looked at our daughter. I hadn't been able to see her yet.

She was swaddled in a white blanket so I could only see her face and hair.

She had blond hair, just like Francis and Louis and I could see right away that she wouldn't look anything like me.


"She's gorgeous." Francis said looking at her. "Are you disappointed because she is a daughter and not a son?" I asked him.

"Of course not, I already have a son. Daughters are good too." He didn't even look at me but kept looking at our daughter. "She will be treated like a princess and I will make sure she has a good marriage."

"She needs a name Francis. What did you have in mind?"

He thought for a moment. "What Do You Think Of Charlotte"

I smiled. "Charlotte, Charlotte Valois. I like it."

Charlotte opened her eyes briefly. They were as blue-green as Francis's.

"She looks nothing like me." I said, Francis smiled "Maybe the next one."

I looked at him fake angrily. "You said that when Louis was born. How many more children do I have to have before they look like me."

Francis laughed out loud now, startling Charlotte and she close her eyes again.

The door flew open, startling Francis and I. Louis walked hand in hand with Catherine into the room. Mary followed behind him, Margaret in her arms.

"Louis come here, come see your little sister." Francis said as he handed Charlotte to me. He lifted Louis up so he was sitting on the bed too.

He looked curiously at Charlotte. "Is that my sister?"

I nodded "Yes Louis, this is Charlotte."

Louis ran his little finger over her face, then pulled his hand away, giggling.

"Now you also have a daughter, Bianca." Mary said, she gave a false smile.

She was probably relieved it wasn't a boy.

I smiled back just as falsely "Yeah, now I have one of both. The next is welcomed by his or her older brother and sister."

I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she had tried to kill my son. I promised myself she wouldn't get out of this. Even though I had to fight her all my life. She would suffer at my hands.

should bianca tell francis she found out who tried to kill their son or should she solve it herself?

How many of you thought it would be a girl?

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