Ch8- Old Times

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~Flashback~(Y/N) stood on top of the school's roof as she stared down at the town

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(Y/N) stood on top of the school's roof as she stared down at the town. She sighed when she heard Katsuki picking on her brother. She jumped down and caught Izuku's notebook before it touched the ground any further.

She latched herself onto the third-floor window and hoisted herself up. The boys heard the noise and looked to see the green-haired twin sitting on the windowsill. "You're gonna have to try harder than that, Kacchan."

(Y/N) smirked, to which Katsuki growled at. "(Y-Y/N)!" Izuku yelled out while being pinned down by the ash blonde. "Do you have a secret Quirk, or were you just on the roof the entire time?"

One of Katsuki's goons questioned the girl right before running out of the classroom in fear. "You dropped this," (Y/N) smiled and handed the notebook back to Izuku. "See you tomorrow, Kacchan."

(Y/N) waved and walked with Izuku out of the classroom. "So, about that question... Do you really-" (Y/N) groaned and shook her head. "No, Izuku... I just happened to be on the roof. I don't have any freaky powers."

(Y/N) stifled a laugh and wrapped an arm around her brother. "Come on! Let's get some dinner." Izuku smiled at his sister and followed her outside of the school. Katsuki watched from the window and stared down at the twins.

'What the h*ll! Was that idiot going to jump if I didn't throw out that notebook?' Katsuki grunted and looked off to the side to make sure he wasn't caught staring. His eyes soften when he laid eyes on the girl.

'If she only knew that I actually-'

~flashback ends~

Izuku shot up from his bed and looked to see his entire class in front of him. Inko and the police were there as well. "Izuku... Is it you?" Inko began to cry and stepped forward. At this point, she didn't care who was who now.

She wanted to hug both of her children. But it's not like she wasn't getting that anytime soon... Izuku nodded his head as Inko didn't hesitate to engulf her son into a tight hug. "I'm so glass to have to back, sweetie."

Izuku didn't smile. He didn't hug back either. He wasn't at all happy about being back in his body. All get wanted at that moment was to see his sister. She was the one he wanted to smile with. Who he wanted to hug.

But he knew he wasn't getting that either. But he still refused to cry. He touched the spot where his neck (Y/N) had stabbed him with the needle. He kept that droopy frown on his face.

He looked up at Katsuki and examined his injuries. He was still wearing a hospital gown. And there were tight bandages wrapped around his waist. "It's all my fault," Izuku mumbled out quietly, but everyone had heard him.

"Deku! None of this is your fault." Uraraka called out as everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Oh? So it's my sister's fault, then?" Izuku yelled, making his class back up into a corner.

"Um, well...kinda. I mean, she did destroy our school and attempted to kill us many times, so..." Kamimari scratched the back of his head and placed a nervous smile on his face to lighten the mood a bit.

"Shut up! It's all my fault! I caused her to do this." Izuku refused to make eye contact with anyone right now. "Izuku, no, honey." Inko clutched onto her son's hand and held it tight. "If anything, I'm the one to blame."

Inko sheds more tears a she couldn't get (Y/N) out of her mind. "I ignored your sister's struggles... Her suffocating on trying to make both of us live a happy life, that I have completely forgotten about her happiness."

"Your father was right, Izuku. Maybe (Y/N) would've been better off with him." Izuku's eyes popped out of his socket and slapped his mother's hand away. "Don't you ever say that again."

Izuku was a bit taken back by his sudden outburst. As if he almost killed someone. The young woman watched from outside the hospital window and frowned. "Please. If anything, it's mostly my fault."

(Y/N) slashed her sword through a tree and kicked it down with ease. "I am the one who left, after all. I don't deserve you, Izuku. Nor Mom, nor Kacchan. Not even someone as cool as Eraser Head."

(Y/N) kept watching as she just witnessed her brother slapping their mother's hand away. "But still... even for someone like me, you never seem to give up on me, do you, Izuku?" (Y/N) hated thinking about her past life.

But she also hated thinking about what it would be like if she were to turn herself in right now and stop call off her revenge on her brother. She ran away from home, kicked a pro hero in the face, made her mother worry...

After all the other sh*t crimes she had committed, she couldn't believe why Izuku would get this far for her. 'What should I do now? Stay a villain or stop all of this nonsense.'

(Y/N) clutched her sword and looked up at Izuku's window. She could just kill him join that he's weakened from the soul switching. She was this close to finishing off her childhood best friend, too.

So why? Why couldn't she do it the last few times? She had all of the advantages. She had remarkable ideas that shattered their dreams. And yet, she couldn't bring herself to finish the job.

(Y/N) put her sword back into its holder and ran away from the sight unseen. But the whole way she couldn't stop thinking about her brother. It hurt to see him like this. But she's still villain, right?

(Comment down which path you think you would want. Majority rule!;)

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