Ch9- Evil Plans

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(I'll be changing some things to make sure this is more of an x Reader. I also changed the cover of the book. Sorry if this chapter is too short).

(Y/n)'s POV'Where am I?' I was trying to squeeze a yawn out of myself, but it never came out

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(Y/n)'s POV
'Where am I?' I was trying to squeeze a yawn out of myself, but it never came out. But then I realized my mouth was gone, along with my entire body. Well, except for eyes and hair, at least.

"You shouldn't be here," A voice called out. 'What?' I turned around to see at least six or seven other people, but their bodies were blurred out just like mine. "You— You messed up the path of One For All," Another voice said.

I rolled my eyes at the voices. 'One For All— Blah, blah, blah— What else is new.?' I felt something touch my shoulder, making me turn around; standing in front of me was my brother, Izuku. He was blurred out, too.

I shoved his blank hand off my shoulder and backed away. I felt my whole body becoming stiff. My legs— they weren't there, but they felt like jelly. Izuku grabbed onto me again, and then everything went black.

Just then, my eyes shot open. I heard the sound of glass breaking and woke up with a loud gasp. My Quirk has been on in my sleep, but it wasn't on command. It was trying to free itself. I hummed and turned on the TV.
My hands shook in anger, and I immediately kicked the television off the table.

"How is this possible?!" I yelled as I watched the construction workers on the broken screen. They were almost finished rebuilding UA High School, all because of their stupid, useful Quirks. I burnt that place to the ground nearly two weeks ago.

I sighed and sat down at my desk, leaning back in my chair, and starred at the ceiling.
I grunted in frustration, "What do you want?" I heard the door to my lab open, revealing Dabi, staring at me with those ocean turquoise orbs that glowed in the pitch-black doorway, leading out to the dimly lit hallway of my shitty apartment.

Dabi walked over and patted me on the back, "Let's go out for some pancakes." He yanked me out of my seat and dragged me out of my lab.

~time skip brought to you by— I don't know, strawberries?~

"You couldn't think of a better way to discuss with me?" I croaked, taking a sip of my (f/d).
"Heh, well, I had to get you out of that smelly, chemical-filled apartment somehow," Dabi said with his chin dripping with syrup (gross). I also felt stupid because we were in disguises, sitting at a trashy diner, eating pancakes (when it is three in the afternoon).

"It's a gorgeous day out, Dabi breathed, gazing out the window.
I shook my head, giving him a weird look, and went back to eating my food.
"Why are we here? Why did you bring me here?" I raised my voice at Dabi; he just smirked and starred into my (e/c) eyes.

"The villain population in this city has increased, Yaku, and it's all thanks to you." Dabi chuckled, pulling his phone out and showing me the news footage from when I blew up UA High, and it collapsed.
I raised an eyebrow when I spotted my photo from middle school on the list for the "Top 10 Most Dangerous Villains in Japan."

I felt my lips curling into a smile— a sinister, craving smile. 'This is perfect,' I mentally laughed, 'this is just— excellent.'
"Yaku," Dabi sounded more sinister than what I said in my head; his Quirk activated, drowning the table in his blue flames (he's lucky that we're the only ones in the restaurant).

"Yaku," Dabi repeated my name, "All For One wishes for you to join us on our next assignment. At this location, we'll make sure that you get the recognition you deserve. So, how bout it, Yaku? Would you like to come with us to a place called I Island?"

I'm Just Part of the League (BNHA Izuku x Sister! Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now