Ch17- Redemption Battle

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Third Persons POV"Uh- hi, (Y/n)

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Third Persons POV
"Uh- hi, (Y/n)..." Izuku greeted his sister.
"What do you want?" (Y/n) spat back.

"I wanted to apologize for everything. I was so focused on myself that I forgot about you. I made things harder for you and Mom. I've been avoiding her too. And to be honest, I was jealous of you when Dad poured all of his attention on you. So I took advantage of my time with All Might... I'm sorry. I understand if you still hate me." Izuku did not make eye contact, but (Y/n) stared at him with wide eyes.

He was scared of what his sister's reaction would be to his confession that he's been hiding for so long. "I'm sorry too, Izuku..." (Y/n) frowned, finally letting out her feelings toward her brother.

"I let myself get carried away by my anger and my desire to beat you. I felt left out when I found out you were doing all these things without me. It felt weird to me because we usually did everything together. I tried to forget about you ignoring me by busying myself with chores and spending time with Katsuki, but your running off to places on your own made me think you didn't trust me. I didn't understand what Dad saw in me, but I never paid any attention to him. Even if he gave me everything I wanted, I never took it, because it meant that I got to spend less time with you."

Izuku whimpered as tears started to fall down his cheeks. "(Y/n), I—"

"Hey! We got villains to fight! Let's go nerds!" Katsuki groaned, glaring at the twins. "Your eyes are getting glossy, Kacchan," (Y/n) teased, pointing out the blonde's watering eyes. "Shut it!"

"Bakugo's right. We need to go," Todoroki announced. He sent a shard of ice (Y/n)'s way, covering her in a large shield. "H-Hey, wait for a second, Todoroki—"

"Think about the situation we're in, Midoriya. (Y/n) is still registered as a wanted criminal. We can't let her wander around. All we can do right now is turn her in to the authorities."

"Yeah? And how are you going to do that? The security is taken out. There is no way off this tower without getting spotted by the drones that'll take you down in an instant." (Y/n) glared at Todoroki who glared back.

"Icy-hot," Katsuki growled, "let her go."
"Fine. But you stay close to us. Got it?" Todoroki snapped. "Yeah, whatever you say." (Y/n) smirked, holding both arms up in defense.

"Everyone stay on high alert," Izuku announced, his quirk activated. "Oh, by the way...the quirk I had was borrowed, so I don't have it anymore." (Y/n) said plainly, earning looks from the trio.

"Stupid. You're mentioning this now!?" Katsuki groaned. "Now we have to protect your stupid ass. You better not slow us down. You too, Deku!" Katsuki shouted at the twins. "I didn't say anything," Izuku said, raising his hands in defense.

"You still let him pick on you," (Y/n) sighed, shaking her head. "We need to get going now," Todoroki said, gaining everyone's attention as more security drones started surrounding them. "There's too many of them," Izuku said, activating his quirk.

"Then let's kill them," (Y/n) smirked, pulling out her sword, and swiftly slicing through the robots. "(Y/n)...?" Izuku stared at his sister in shock. She was strong, even without a quirk. "You go on ahead. Katsuki and I will take care of them." (Y/n) said, glancing at Izuku.

"I never agreed to that!" Katsuki shouted but decided to blow up the robots anyway. "Bakugo, keep an eye on her," Todoroko ordered, glancing at (Y/n), then running off with Izuku. Katsuki growled in annoyance, "Don't tell me what to do, Icy-hot!" Katsuki yelled, blasting another group of robots, protecting (Y/n) from a robot that was coming up behind her.

"Thanks for having my back, Katsuki." (Y/n) smiled. Katsuki huffed, turning away to avoid (Y/n)'s stare. "Whatever...."

(Y/n) was high alert. She clutched her sword tight in her hands as she continued to fight the security drones. She took a couple of breaths and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. She took a glance at Katsuki, who was already finished fighting the last robot.

She smiled and walked over to join him until she spotted a large debris of metal coming down on him. "Katsuki, look out!" (Y/n) shouted, dashing over to Katsuki and pushing him out of the way. They both hit the ground as (Y/n) crashed on top of him. Without both of them even noticing, their lips touch.

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