Ch22-The End

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Third Person POVA month has passed since the attack on I-Island

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Third Person POV
A month has passed since the attack on I-Island. (Y/n) was still sitting out her sentence in prison for the crime and destruction she had committed for the past year. Izuku wasn't allowed to visit, even Katsuki tried fighting against the police to be let inside.

They were both lucky to convince the chief not to put her in Tartarus prison, where the most dangerous villains in the world were put there to rot out for the rest of their lives.

It had been a long and difficult month for (Y/n). She was constantly surrounded by the same faces and the same grey walls. She had no freedom and no hope of ever seeing the outside world again.

Izuku and Katsuki had been trying to get her out of prison since the day she was arrested, but the police refused to budge. No matter how much they pleaded, they were met with the same answer: (Y/n) was a danger to society and could not be released.

For now, she sat in her cell, wearing a straitjacket and chained to her bed. Two police guards stood by her door, glancing behind their backs now and then to make sure (Y/n) didn't try anything.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at them, she could easily tell that they were scared of her. closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep in. Suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the prison hall. She flinched at the loud noise and looked to see where the noise came from. It was the prison guards banging on her cell.

"You have a visitor," the guard said, unlocking the cell door. "What? I thought I wasn't allowed to see anybody?" (Y/n) asked, but the guards just ignored her as they pushed her out of her cell and led her down the hallway, and stopped in front of a white door.

The guards opened the door and shoved her inside. (Y/n) groaned, irritated by the force. The guards closed the door shut and could be heard walking away. (Y/n) stared back at the door, wondering why the guards left her alone.

"(Y/n), darling! There you are. I've been waiting for you." A deep voice greeted happily. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow... The voice she just heard didn't sound like anybody she knew. But the sound of it still felt faint.

Her eyes widened as she slowly turned around to see a man hunched over the table, wearing a lab coat, smiling sadistically. (Y/n) stared at his eyes, shocked.

"Dad..?" She gasped out.
To be continued in book 3...

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