Ch19- Best Friends

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Third Person POV"Oh, my God," (Y/n)'s jaw dropped as she and Katsuki ran outside the building

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Third Person POV
"Oh, my God," (Y/n)'s jaw dropped as she and Katsuki ran outside the building. The destruction was unimaginable. "The hell? We weren't inside for that long." Katsuki's eyes widened in fear at the destruction.

(Y/n) heard a deafening roar of helicopter blades slicing through the air, causing her to instinctively look up. Her eyes widened as she spotted her brother, Izuku, soaring through the sky towards the helicopter where the villains were standing. A mix of shock, worry, and confusion flooded her mind.

"What the hell is he doing?" (Y/n) gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't fathom why Izuku would put himself in such a dangerous situation willingly, especially without any backup or a solid plan.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched Izuku, his determined expression visible even from this distance. It was a testament to his unwavering spirit, but it also filled her with a sense of dread. The villains in the helicopter were notorious for their ruthlessness, and facing them alone was a recipe for disaster.

(Y/n) quickly assessed the situation, her mind racing to find a way to help her brother. She knew she couldn't just stand idly by and watch him get hurt. With a resolute determination of her own, she sprinted towards the nearest spot on the tower below the helicopter, trying to find a vantage point to assess the scene more clearly.

As she reached the spot under Izuku, (Y/n) glanced around, her eyes searching for anything that could aid her in this desperate situation. Luck seemed to be on her side as she remembered her sword clutching onto her villain uniform. She grasped it tightly, her fingers wrapping around the cold, rough surface.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, (Y/n) focused on the scene unfolding before her. She watched as Izuku maneuvered through the air, dodging blasts of energy from the villains below. His movements were swift and agile, a testament to his training as a hero-in-training.

Without wasting another moment, (Y/n) sprinted towards the helicopter, her sword clutched firmly in her hand. Her mind was set on one thing—to create a diversion and draw the attention of the villains away from her brother.

As she neared the helicopter, her heart pounded louder with each step. She had to time this perfectly. With a burst of adrenaline, (Y/n) swung her sword with all her might, aiming for the helicopter's tail rotor. The sword connected with a loud clang, causing the rotor to sputter and slow down.

The sudden disruption caught the villains off guard, their attention shifting from Izuku to (Y/n). She locked eyes with her brother, determination mirrored in both their gazes. It was a silent agreement—an unspoken promise to protect each other no matter the cost.

As the villains turned their focus on her, (Y/n) braced herself for whatever would come next. She knew that this was just the beginning of a fierce battle, but she wouldn't back down. She would fight alongside Izuku, using every ounce of strength and courage she possessed.

Together, they would face the villains head-on, ready to protect each other and the world they held dear. The battle for justice had begun, and (Y/n) would play her part, standing side by side with her brother, fighting for a future where heroes triumphed over darkness.

And so, as the clash of powers and the roar of battle enveloped them, (Y/n) took her first step into a world where ordinary people could become extraordinary, where bonds of family and friendship would be tested, and where hope can be discovered.

"(Y/n)-Chan!" A high-pitched giggle echoed through the sky as Toga jumped out of the helicopter with a knife in her hand and wearing her blood-sucking gear. She was grinning like a Cheshire cat, her eyes glowing like the sun.

"How could you betray us like this? I thought we were besties?" She asked. She was smiling at (Y/n) as she answered. Toga's smile was the most evil thing she had ever seen. Her teeth were stained with blood, each tooth a point of light, like she was trying to swallow the entire world.

"How can you fight alongside these heroes?" Toga asked, glaring. Her sadistic smile faded. "You know, I've been wanting to taste your blood since the day we met."

(Y/n) had been Toga's best friend since she had joined the league. They had spent this last year together and had been inseparable. But now they were on opposite sides of a fight that could mean the end of the world. (Y/n) had joined the heroes in their fight against the darkness, and Toga stayed with the villains.

(Y/n) could feel the pain in Toga's voice as she asked how (Y/n) could betray her like this. (Y/n) wished she could explain that she had to choose to do what was right. But she knew that Toga wouldn't understand.

Toga's face was twisted with rage, her teeth stained with blood. (Y/n) had never seen her so angry. She glared at (Y/n) and asked how she could fight alongside the heroes. (Y/n) knew that Toga was referring to the consequences of (Y/n)'s decision. If (Y/n) failed, then the heroes would be defeated and the world would be plunged into darkness.

(Y/n) looked away from Toga, unable to meet her gaze. She knew that she had made the right choice, but it was still hard to ignore the pain in Toga's voice.

(Y/n) took a deep breath and said, "You want my blood? Come and get it!"

Toga didn't reply, but (Y/n) could see the sadness in her eyes. (Y/n) knew that this was goodbye. She wished she could say something, anything, to make this easier. But all she could do was fight.

As (Y/n) rushed at the psychotic villain, she heard Toga's voice one last time.

"Goodbye, (Y/n)-Chan."

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