-Chapter 1-

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I get pushed along with the swell of people as I gaze upwards towards the heavens, to the towering castle looming over us, casting a shadow over the bustling cobblestone streets. It was made of pure metal and glass.

Unbreakable, unstoppable. All the things that the Vreca kingdom stood for. Every day, another human died, another home was destroyed for the Conquers cause. For the Greatest Kingdom to claim.

My skirts, brown as the dirt below me, whisk against my dagger, strapped to my thigh. The twin swords on my back rub fire on my skin under my corset. The trek through the woods had taught me a lesson that I wasn't going to forget in a hurry. I spot two soldiers wandering effortlessly through the crowd of peasant women and I say a thanks to the gods for my keen eyes. I swerve towards them and drop to my knees in their path, ignoring the bitter taste of compliance in my mouth.

"Water," I pant desperately. "Please w-water." One of the soldiers laughed, the rough sound echoing through the now deathly silent court. The stream of people stop in their tracks to watch what they would later call 'New Girl' beg for liquid to quench her thirst. My eyes stay trained on the floor. Without any warning I'm wrenched up and face to face with the second solider, his moustache twitching with anger. His burly fist connects with my face and I feel my body jar with the impact of hitting the hard ground. My scream rebounds around the audience.

"You are nothing girl. Not to me. Not to anyone. Count yourself lucky I didn't put a bullet through your skull. I'm feeling kind today." His boot swings towards me and I draw my knees up to my chest as I scream again.

"NOTHING," he yells at the crowd and they quickly hurry along. I hear the footsteps fade away and I raise my head.

"I am everything," I whisper, drawing my fist up and opening it, revealing the ring of the Kings Commander, the man who beat me, resting on my palm. One that he would be missing very soon as he sits in a cell after attempting to get back into the palace.

The sun dips low in the sky as what is known as the Closing begins. And once again, I'm pushed in the direction that all women are heading. It's like a march. From all the surrounding roads that we pass, there are more women merging into our main pass. It's almost ceremonial. We head with the sun in our eyes, palace to our backs, down the hill where the main city resides to the Shack. The massive building looms into view, larger a ballroom but of course, smaller than the resident of our glorious king. It's made of thin scrap metal, uneven and ugly. Before I realise it, I'm through the large doorway and the room expands around me. It looks like a warehouse, with bunks as tall as trees, four or five beds high raising towards the roof. The bunks are against the wall and in the middle, there are campfires being lit on the rough floor. And women. They are everywhere. Sitting on bunks, around fires, talking even laughing. Two girls run past me, their high pitched squeals of joy mixing with the chatter. There's not a man sight. Of course. This is where the women sleep and only the women. Because heavens forbid a man sleeping like an animal.

I sit cross legged near one of the campfires, soaking up the warmth. Keeping one eye on the people near me, I slowly unwrap the bandage around my left hand. Thankfully the semi-deep wounded isn't bleeding anymore. I flex my hand and wince. What a pity, I would need to be in the best condition when facing the King.

"New Girl," someone shouts over the campfire and I look up to find a tall woman with a stocky build staring at me, light of the fire making her scarred face glow bright. Next to her sits another women nursing a baby.

"What your story?" I startle at such a personal question.

"I'm from the outskirts of Vreca. I came to make a better life here," I say, settling on the half-truth. It's true that I once lived in a small nameless town on the boarder. The sea was near and I was peaceful. But not for long. I saw some of my darkest days in clarity as it plays like a movie through my mind. I quickly shove them from my mind and look up towards the women watching me.

"Pah, it's another hopeful one. Trust me love," a dark look passes over her face.

"If you're a women, it's impossible to have a good life. Especially here."

Ok ok yes I'm back. I figured that its probably best to at least get a few chapters in to start the story properly. So here's an introduction to some other characters and ofc to our badass main character whom I still need to name but that's in the next chapter. Stay tuned and any support (comments etc.) is greatly appreciated :)  

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