-Chapter 17-

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Tw// death (again...sorry)

Slowly, I turn around so I'm standing, back to Ida's grave. Maybe ten paces away was the lake and across that on the other bank, she stood. Her slender body is cloaked in black, strapped with more knives than I have teeth. Although the hot weather left her in a tight black shirt, she looked like a god of shadows, dark as the night itself.

Now those are words I don't hear often enough.

I raise my eyebrows. She walks closer and I can't help but thank the Saints she's on the other bank. Not second later, she drives smoothly into the water, long black hair tumbling behind her. I freeze. I should be running. I beg my legs to move but they stay grounded. The lake's fairly wide and I stand there, one minute, two minutes, waiting waiting for her to emerge, looking in the middle of the lake. Suddenly water sprays up and she's leveraging herself on my bank, climbing up like a cat. That's when I finally run. My wet long sleeved shirt sticks to my body as I sprint, zigzagging, the trees blurring into flashing of green and brown, wind rushing past me. A part of me feels free, mind focused purely of each step, the leap over a log, darting around trunks. I fight against the urge to look behind me, knowing it will only slow me down. My eyes locate a tree in front of me, perfect to climb. I can't run forever but at least I'll have the height advantage when I stop.

I visualise what I must do. Flow like water, fly like an eagle, quick as a cheetah. I reach the base and not pausing, scale up, hands finding nooks and crannies. Soon, or what I hope is soon, I'm just below the canopy. The woods are deathly silent and I force myself to breathe quietly. I don't see her anywhere. I must have a gotten ahead. Mentally I'm cheering myself on but I still lay low, noiseless, watching with a burning intensity on the empty ground below me. I frown. Did I lose her?

"What ya looking at?" I almost topple out of the tree as I snap my head to the side. She sits on the tree next to me, legs hanging off the side of the branch, cleaning her nails with a particularly nasty looking dagger.

"Careful there," she smirks, running to fingers down the length of her dagger, then flips it along her knuckles all while leaving her feline gaze on me. My face burns.

"How, wha-"I stutter. I hadn't heard her climb up, didn't see her. Not a whisper.

Who is she?

I take her in again. A golden necklace hangs around her neck. Anything worth selling is forbidden in the Shack but a highborn lady, as rare as they are, wouldn't be caught dead in that outfit. My eyes widen and something gets lodged in my throat. I would scramble backwards if the fall wouldn't have kill me. I would rather die by her daggers than the fall.

"Finally put it together haven't you?" When I don't answer, she rolls her eyes. "Are you mute or something? Cause that would make this wayy less fun."

"You're an assassin?!" I clamp my hands over my mouth but the damage is done. The smirk returns.

"So what if I am." She says and the answer must have shown on my face.

Assassins are...tricky. They used to have respect, maybe even fear. They lived with us in the Shack, just another dirty job. Until one went insane. Until one actually enjoyed death. Nerium was her name. I liked her. But the screams lasted through the night until daybreak until she stabbed herself. The death count was so high. Everyone was running into each other and she was a whirlwind of dead right in the centre. The men didn't care, in fact they were excited. Then we had to clean up the mess after. I was five but I knew what happened when I saw my mother's slit throat on the floor, face in a scream.

So many people I failed to save.

I shiver and am brought back into reality. I wonder how long I was lost in my nightmare but the assassin face showed no concern, just interest. I clear my throat.

"It was nice talking to you but..."

"Aww come on! You barely talked. Plus I have some stuff you might wanna know," She trails off, raking her finger through her hair, drawing out water. My curiosity is piped but....

"Ok ok, sure I'll let you think about it. Tonight. As soon as you can. I'll be round here anyways. I need to take care of some business," she sighs, dropping her long hair over one shoulder. I don't bother to nod, just start to clamber down slowly. I look up at her when she doesn't move just as she jumps, arms wide beside her. She flips once and lands gently on a branch half way down the tree, one hand touching the wood, the other out for balance, grinning widely. She cheers, half laughing before leaping down again to the forest and sprinting off. My mouth is left half-open, still clinging onto the tree.

Who is this girl? 

Say hello so our sassy assassin (omg that rhymes). Anyways not much else I wanna say, my feet are icicles, I don't want to go to school tomorrow and I finished all the timtams in a week. Peace out 

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