Prologue: Ready

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January 15th, 2017

"So, this is what you want to do regarding the donor?" Dr. Clarke asked, sitting across from the couple at her desk.

Quinn and Piper nodded then, the two of them holding hands and clearly trying to hold back their tears having had that conversation a thousand times before and already knowing what they wanted. After all, having finally settled down in their new apartment in New York with Quinn having a new job in a small local newspaper and Piper still going strong with selling her art, they knew they were ready.

They were ready to have their baby. And that was how they wanted to do it.

And as Dr. Clarke watched the couple in front of her - clearly so in love with one another and so in love with the idea of a baby - she was reminded why it was that she did what she did.

"Well, then..." The woman smiled at the two of them as Quinn squeezed Piper's hand in hers. "Now that the sperm donor part is settled, and you two already did all the tests you needed, I just need a confirmation. So what you want to do is fertilize Quinn's egg and have it implanted on Piper, is that right?"

"Yes, Dr." Piper nodded with a smile. "That's what we want."

"We wanted the both of us to be involved in this process somehow and since I've already had a pregnancy, I really don't want to go through that again."

Dr. Clarke laughed quietly at that, turning to look at Piper next.

"And you want that?" She asked.

"I've always wanted to get pregnant." Piper shrugged with a smile. "It seems like such a wonderful experience."

"It is." Dr. Clarke nodded. "A long, hard experience. But wonderful nonetheless. So, if you're ready, we can start."

"Right now?" Quinn asked then, her eyes sparkling at the mere thought of having Piper pregnant and a baby from the two of them in her arms soon.

"Right now." Dr. Clarke nodded. "So, Quinn, Piper... Are you ready for this journey?"

Again, they didn't really need confirmation from one another. Still, they turned to one another, eyes glistening with tears and smiles as wide as their lips would allow it. Reaching a hand over to Quinn, Piper caressed her cheek gently, staring at her wife softly as she pressed a quick kiss to her palm.

"We're ready." Piper decided, turning back around to face Dr. Clarke, who clapped excitedly as she looked at the couple in front of her.

"Let's get it started, then!"

A/N: Yes, you are seeing correctly. I've decided to do a Sequel to my Picture Perfect series because, why not, right? Anyway... Here was a tiny little prologue so you can have a taste of what's to come. As usual, I hope you enjoy! And let me know your thoughts! Votes and comments are always appreciated! 

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