Epilogue: Happiness

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August 22nd, 2020

Everyone was getting together at Britt and Santana's apartment and, even though they lived - literally - two sets of stairs below them, of course Piper and Quinn were running late. It wasn't their fault, really. With two almost-two-year-old toddlers who had just now started to walk to look after, getting places on time was never expected from the couple anymore, anyway.

"Honestly, bub, just let them be." Piper had said, finishing up with fixing her own hair without a mirror, considering she was using the curler plugged in the living room so she could keep an eye on Claire while Quinn struggled to dress Hazel up.

"It's an important date, angel!" Quinn protested all the way from the girls' bedroom. "Come on, baby... Let me brush your hair... It's an important date, angel, and they need to look the part."

Piper rolled her eyes fondly, almost picturing Quinn trying to hold Hazel still for a half a second so she could brush her hair.

"It's Rachel Berry, bub... She's gonna get more awards." Piper said. "And when she gets another Tony when the girls are five or something, then we can let them decide what to wear. For now, I'm sure no one would mind if they showed up in pajamas, to be fair."

"No, this is fine. Look." Quinn smiled as soon as she appeared on the living room, Hazel in her arms in a rather fancy green dress with a golden bow to match on top of her. "Look at how cute she looks."

"My baby..." Piper cooed gently, unplugging the curler and setting it over the table where she knew neither of the girls could reach before picking up Claire from the floor and placing her on hip, looking over the similar dress she was wearing as her sister. Except hers was blue and she had a silver bow to match. "Look at us."

And then, Quinn and Piper stopped in front of the mirror they had just by the entrance door and looked at their little family. Of course, they were matching their babies too - Quinn with her silver dress and Piper with a golden sequenced shirt, courtesy of Kurt Hummel of course, and a black dress pant. They looked amazing. A picture perfect family. The one they had always dreamed of.

"We look great." Quinn squealed in delight, always so happy whenever she got all of her girls coordinating outfits.

"We do." Piper nodded, placing a quick kiss to her wife's cheek as she picked up her phone with the hand that wasn't holding Claire up. "Now, let's head to Britt and Santana's or we'll be late."

And so they did, reaching their friends' apartment in no time and smiling as everyone turned around to greet them.

"Look who's here!" Santana announced loudly as she opened the door wider for them to step inside. "Just in time too! They're just about to announce Berry's category. Come in, come in."

They did so, placing both of their daughters down on the floor as they rushed straight to the living room where some of their uncles and aunties were already waiting for them with open arms and ready to sing praises to them about their outfits or how much they've grown since the last time they saw them the day before. Quinn and Piper smiled at the scene in front of them, happy to see their babies interacting so well with their friends, but all that happiness was quickly put to a stop when Hazel Snow had decided to venture off on her own toward the kitchen.

"Oh, no, not there!" Piper yelled, as she rushed for her oldest daughter to stop her before chaos could ensue.

As everyone laughed at the scene and at the light scowl Piper gave Hazel despite the fact that the girl giggled through the whole thing, Quinn and Santana ended up standing together by the entrance of her apartment.

"So, how's the adoption process going?" Quinn asked, as Santana smiled.

"It's going great, actually." She said. "We're adopting two. Two brothers. One of them is five and the other just turned one."

"Oh, that's amazing!"

"Yeah. Britt and I just got to meet them yesterday and I think we really clicked, you know?"

"That's great to hear." Quinn smiled. "Well, now we'll have the kids balanced out, right?"

"I mean, it depends on the sex of the baby Berry is carrying for Kurt and Blaine."

"Oh yeah. I can totally feel it's a girl, though." Quinn shrugged playfully. "And when Mike and Tina decide to have their own family, maybe they'll have a boy first."

"Why do I feel like Mike and Tina will have like six children or something?" Santana laughed.

"They totally will." Quinn was quick to follow.

Just before she could say anything else to her best friend, however, little Claire Snow appeared by Quinn's feet, raising her little arms up at her with a pout on her pretty lips.

"Mommy." She called, as Quinn chuckled and pulled Claire up on her arms.

"Come here, little love." She cooed, as she placed the girl on her hip as walked toward the living room with Santana before taking her usual seat by Piper. "Let's see if auntie Rachel wins this award."

"I place ten bucks she loses." Santana called out, as she sat down beside Brittany.

"It's on." Tina playfully glared at her as everyone laughed, turning to the television as soon as Rachel's category was announced.

And as soon as she was named the winner, the room erupted in cheers and Quinn smiled, watching as her girls giggled and clapped along with everyone else, not really understanding what was going on, but basking on the happiness around them.

After all, that was all they had surrounding them at all times and it was what they had brought to the lives of everyone they met: happiness. 

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