Mamma's Cantina

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March 1st, 2017

This place was not Breadstix, but it was as close to it as they could get in New York. Besides, even if the food at the Mamma's Cantina was not the best, neither was the one at Breadstix and it did become sort of a tradition - Wednesday night, everyone reuniting and having dinner together. This time around, this meeting was special, however, because, being about to accomplish his dream of dancing at Carnegie Hall just the next week, Mike Chang was being celebrated tonight.

"Well, honestly, we all knew you could do it, Mike." Santana smiled proudly at her friend as soon as he was done telling them all how much he's been practicing for his performance. "It was only a matter of time."

"It's true. You are an amazing dancer." Brittany nodded. "Maybe not as good as me, but, well..."

Everyone laughed at the comment, all too aware that Brittany had meant no harm with her words.

"Well, if it makes it any better, you'll always be my favorite dance partner, Britt." Mike smiled at the blonde, who beamed.

"What about me?" Tina teased the man, nudging him lightly as Mike turned to look at her.

For a second, no one said anything, just watching as Mike and Tina stared at one another. Because, sure, Tina's tone had been light and playful, but everyone could see the undertone of jealousy in her words and in her eyes. Piper exchanged a knowing look with Kurt from across the table and Kurt had to bite back his laughter at the scene in front of him because sure, they all knew Mike and Tina weren't officially together yet, but they were all growing a bit tired of that cat and mouse game that they have been playing for years now and were all already dying for either of them to just make a damn move. Mike smiled at her sweetly then, placing a hand on her thigh as he shrugged a bit.

"Don't make me choose, babe." Mike winked at her flirtatiously as Tina practically melted on the spot. "You and Britt share the first and second spot, how does that sound?"

For a second, no one said anything, waiting for Tina's reaction, but when the young woman froze on her spot, they knew Mike had gotten her exactly where he wanted.

"Well, I guess that puts me in third place, then..." Piper spoke up eventually, trying to break the awkwardness as Mike turned to look at her with a smile and a nod.

"Guess it does." He said.

"I'm honored to even be on that podium at all." Piper shrugged. "Especially considering I couldn't dance to save my life the first year of glee club."

"I remember." Mike nodded with a fond smile as all the memories of the private lessons he had given Piper over the years - especially during their sophomore year - replayed in his head. "You were awful."

"Hey!" Piper gasped in mock offense, flinging a piece of her bread across the table and straight at Mike, who just laughed.

"Don't worry, P. At least that means you got better." Santana spoke up. "Unlike some of us, who still only know three dance moves."

When Santana turned to glare at Kurt, everyone dissolved in fits of giggles again, Kurt rolling his eyes as he tried to come up with something to defend himself with.

"I'm getting better." He protested.

"Are you, though?" Santana kept on teasing.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess it is kind of a good thing that you don't need to impress anyone anymore, man, because if we were to go by your last performance in that club last week..."

Everyone laughed at Artie's comment and Kurt scoffed, offended. Blaine tapped his thigh gently then, leaning closer to his husband to place a gentle kiss to his cheeks and enjoying the way Kurt's whole face reddened a bit.

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