Too long

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May 5th, 2017

Quinn had started to grow accustomed to walking into her house after work only to find Piper laying on their couch cuddling Elvis, sketching or watching TV. Sometimes, she even managed to do all three at the same time. Sometimes, she would be found asleep.

Either way, Quinn would usually smile at the back of her head that poked over the back of the couch as she took off her shoes by the door before walking toward her wife and pressing a greeting kiss to her temple. If she wasn't too busy, Piper would usually lift her head up to press a kiss to Quinn's lips in return.

"How was work?" She would ask, to which Quinn would usually shrug a bit.

"More of the same."

Piper would laugh then, because she knew that Quinn's more of the same usually resulted in a long story about something her boss had said or her co-worker had done.

"Okay." She would usually smile at Quinn by that point. "Dinner's almost ready. Go take a bath so we can eat."

And Quinn would obey. She would go take a bath while Piper finished dinner and set the table for them. Then, they would eat and share stories about their day and, after that, they would most likely end up on the couch again, watching a movie or just cuddling together. Either way, ever since Piper had announced to be pregnant, Quinn would usually end her night with a hand over her wife's stomach, that wasn't really showing just yet but that, they knew, would be growing their baby for the next few weeks.

Quinn had grown used to that routine and, if she was being honest, it had become her favorite part of her day. The part she would always be most looking forward to. The part she was most looking forward to in that moment.

But, tonight, Piper Snow had seemed to have other plans.

"Piper?" Quinn called as soon as she slipped her heels off and noticed her wife wasn't in the living room as usual. "Angel, are you home?"

"In here!" Piper's voice called back to her and Quinn frowned surprised, knowing Piper had been calling her from her studio.

Walking over to her, Quinn stood by the door with a surprised frown when she noticed Piper standing by one of her canvas, painting a picture. She stood there for a second, smiling at the small frown of concentration on her face as she tried to decide which color to use. As soon as she did, however, she turned around to look at Quinn with a smile.

"Hi, bub. How was work?"

Quinn giggled fondly then, stepping over Elvis on her way to Piper as she rubbed a thumb over the woman's cheek to try and wipe away a stain of paint there.

"More of the same." She shrugged, as Piper laughed. "You had a busy day, though?"

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you weren't painting because the smell of it made you sick." Quinn said.

"It did." Piper frowned for a second. "I hadn't even noticed. Maybe the morning sickness is gone."

"Maybe." Quinn nodded slowly. "Aren't you tired, though?"

"No, why?"

"It's almost 7:30." Quinn shrugged.

"Already?" Piper gasped, as she spun around and took a look at the clock. "Oh, my God! I was so into this that I totally missed the time! I haven't even started dinner."

"Don't worry about dinner. We'll order a pizza or something." Quinn shook her head with a fond smile. "I just... I'm finding it all a bit weird."

"Weird how?"

Picture Perfect - The sequel - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now