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October 20th, 2018

Quinn and Piper had agreed on not overflowing the nursery with pinks and flowers and too girly things, opting instead, for a simpler decoration with the walls painted in beige, with some fairy lights above the brown wooden cribs. Sure, the carpet and the cushions had a few splashes of pink - they were having twin girls after all, it wasn't as if they could totally stray away from it - but other colors were also present. Baby blues and pastel yellow mostly. Everything was starting to look amazing and, as much as their apartment wasn't really built to receive that many people at once, Quinn and Piper couldn't deny they were grateful to have all the help.

Piper had been sat on the couch with Tina as the two of them opened and sorted out all the gifts Piper and Quinn had been receiving - diapers, clothes, toys, everything from everyone they had ever met, almost - and sorting them out in front of them so they could figure out what to do with them later.

"We literally cannot fit that much stuff in the apartment." Piper said, at one point, as she allowed her eyes to fly over all the gifts in front of her. "I think we won't even be able to fit all of those clothes in the drawers."

"Hey, calm down." Tina urged gently, as soon as she realized Piper was growing a bit restless. "We'll figure it out. We'll see what to do with the toys and we can fold the clothes a bit more so we can fit more of it in the drawers. But don't worry. Look... The boys are almost done with the dresser and it looks bigger than we thought."

And so Piper had spun around in her seat, turning to look at the spare bedroom of the apartment where most of the boys were reunited, struggling a bit to figure out how to build the cribs and dressers properly. She giggled, noticing Blaine and Kurt arguing over where to fit a particular piece of the crib while Sam and Jesse sat together with the instructions of the second crib, trying to figure it out. Surprisingly enough, however, Mike Chang seemed to be building the dresser quite effortlessly and Piper couldn't deny she was impressed.

"Your husband-to-be seems to be quite handy." Piper noted, turning back around to look at Tina, smiling when she blushed a bit. "You two will have no problem building a nursery, if it ever comes to it."

"Probably not." Tina shrugged. "We're still not sure we want babies of our own, though."

"Really?" Piper asked. "Why not?"

"It's not something I've ever dreamed about, you know?" She shrugged, as Piper nodded. "I wanted a marriage and a big wedding, sure, but children? I'm not so sure."

"And Mike?"

"He says he feels the same." Tina said. "Besides, Santana and Brittany just said they want to start a process of adopting and Kurt and Blaine want a baby soon as well too, so, we'll be having at least four children between all of us soon. Mike and I are happy to just dote on your children for now."

"Well, clearly." Piper mumbled, picking up another gift as she played with the tag on it. "This is the third present you gave us. You two have no self-control."

"Self-control?" Tina laughed. "What even is self-control once you enter a baby store? Everything there is so damn cute."

"Fair enough." Piper laughed, taking a look at the elephant plushie Tina and Mike had gotten for the girls. "Awe... Thank you. That's amazing."

Tina just smiled, happy to see Piper so relaxed for a second. As they continued to open more and more presents, Quinn, who had been working with the rest of the girls in the kitchen to make everyone lunch, walked into the living room, walking straight up to Piper.

"Hey." She whispered, as Piper instantly smiled upon recognizing her wife's voice. "You okay?"

"Fine." She shrugged, allowing Quinn to lean over her from the back of the couch as she placed a gentle hand over her belly.

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