Big brother

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A/N: A bit on the shorter side, but I think it's kind of sweet, so I hope you enjoy it anyway!

April 14th, 2017

Piper wasn't entirely sure any of this meant anything.

Because sure, the smell of her paints made her stomach turn every morning and she was feeling rather tired in the afternoons and she her period was late half a week already, but she didn't want to get her hopes up yet. She had just implanted Quinn's egg last month and sure she hoped it had worked, but Dr. Clarke had warned them.

"With most women, it doesn't work the first time." She had said. "Most times, the egg doesn't even sticks to the uterus the first time. So don't worry if you're not pregnant next week. We took more than one egg from Quinn for that reason."

And so, Piper had prepared herself mentally for it. She was ready not to get pregnant just yet. She was ready to try again and again and as many times as it would take for her to carry hers and Quinn's baby eventually. She was okay with the idea that it might not work right now.

Still, all signs pointed to it.

So she decided on taking a chance. Taking full advantage of the fact that Quinn was at work, Piper rushed out of her apartment and toward the drug store just down the street.

It had taken her about 15 minutes to buy the three pregnancy tests she wanted to buy and as she was already back at her apartment. Taking off her shoes as soon as she got there, Piper made quick work of rushing to the bathroom and taking the tests.

The three minutes required for the results to come out were like torture to her and, as she paced around the room while the tests rested on her sink, she couldn't help but wonder if it had been three minutes or three hours. When her alarm went off, however, Piper hesitated again.

What if she wasn't pregnant? What if this was all in her head and this was some kind of hysterical pregnancy? Was she going crazy? Too obsessed with the idea of a baby? Or... Or what if she was pregnant? Of course she wanted it. It was all she wanted now but it was scary. The pregnancy, the birth... And everything they came after that. Would she even be a good mom? Was she ready? Or was she rushing everything?

"No, come on, Piper..." The woman whispered quietly to herself as she reached over to her cell phone and turned off the alarm that was still going off. "You're good. You're fine. Just go take a look."

And so she did. Piper walked into the bathroom and looked down at the tests in her sink. She gasped when she saw the results and, before she could even think twice about it, she picked up her phone and made the call.

"Hello, Dr. Clarke? It's Piper. Yes, Piper Snow." She said, as soon as the woman picked up her phone. "No, I... I'm fine, I just... I think I might need to run a few tests."


April 20th, 2017

Quinn could tell something was off with Piper and, as much as her wife tried to hide, Quinn knew better. The way she kept bouncing her leg up and down as they ate and avoided eye contact as much as possible were tell-tale signs of Piper's unease state, but, as she ate during dinner and didn't show Quinn any signs of sadness, the blonde decided to let it go.

That is, until the two of them were cuddled up on the couch together as Quinn flipped through the channels mindlessly with Piper laid across the sofa with her head on her lap and Elvis curled up over Piper's stomach in a small ball of fur. Quinn frowned a bit when her question wasn't answered, but smiled anyway when she noticed Piper scratching Elvis behind his ears as the cat yawned and stood up over Piper just to flop down again against her in another position.

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