Place your bets

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September 19th, 2018

Everyone was reunited in Quinn and Piper's apartment and, after sharing a pizza with the couple, they could all feel the excitement in the air. It was the day Piper and Quinn had decided to share with them the sex of their baby - well, babies, really, but they didn't know it yet. So, really, everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting for either of the women to decide to put them out of their misery, but not wanting to rush them quite yet. But, after dinner was over and everyone was done, they knew the two of them were only playing games with them now and, as expected, Santana was the first to break the silence.

"So... Are you telling us the sex of your baby already or what?" She asked, as Quinn and Piper exchanged a glance.

"Patience is a virtue, Tana." Quinn teased, as the Latina rolled her eyes.

"Right." She said. "A virtue that I lack, we all know that."

"Very well." Piper sighed. "Let's do this then."

And just like that, the room erupted into cheers, all the grown-ass adults around acting like small children out of the sudden as they crowded around Piper. The freckled woman laughed as Quinn patted her knee just a bit as she stood up to grab the pieces of paper and all the pens they had gathered especially for the occasion. Hearing the commotion, Elvis - who had grown an habit of laying in Piper's lap even more now that she was pregnant than when she wasn't - lifted his head for a slip of a second, before twisting over Piper's legs and going back to sleep as the woman scratched him just behind his ear, as he liked.

"Right, so, for this, Q and I prepared a little game for you, if that's alright." Piper started as Quinn started to give out the papers and pens to their friends.

"Oh, that's exciting!" Tina squealed.

"It's pretty simple, really." Quinn shrugged, after she had given Kurt his paper and pen as she sat back down beside Piper on their couch with all of their friends spread around the living room. Kurt and Blaine shared a seat in the armchair beside the sofa that was clearly not made for two people, but it wasn't as if they cared much. Santana and Brittany sat side by side on the floor by Piper's leg and Kitty sat beside them, leaning against Artie's legs. Tina also sat on the floor, but leaning back against Mike's leg as he sat over the center table. On the couch across from Piper and Quinn, sat Jesse and Rachel. "We'll ask you two questions and you have ten seconds to place your bets and write them down on your paper. After that, we give you the correct answer."

"Two questions?" Kitty frowned. "I thought we were only going to find out the sex of the baby today."

"Are you gonna ask for name suggestions?" Rachel asked. "Because I didn't come prepared for this."

"Maybe due date." Artie shrugged.

"Have a little patience, guys..." Piper rolled her eyes with a laugh. "Now, are you ready?"

"Yes, come on!" Mike smiled, as Piper clapped her hands once.

"Great. First question, pretty easy..." She said. "Boy or girl?"

"Ten seconds, starting now!" Quinn smiled, starting a count down on her head as she smiled seeing all of her friends scribbling in their papers. "Okay, time's up. Let's quickly go around and hear what everyone thinks."

As they read out their bets, Quinn and Piper smiled. Kurt, Santana, Mike and Rachel had guessed a boy. Blaine, Tina, Jesse, Kitty and Artie had guessed a girl. Brittany hadn't really gotten the idea of the game, so she just wrote down red and no one was really in the mood to argue anyway.

"So... Who gets a point?" Kitty urged, as Quinn and Piper exchanged a smile.

"The correct answer is..." The blonde said, as everyone watched her in expectation. "Girl!"

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