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February 8th, 2018

"It's great to see you again, Piper." Dr. Clarke smiled as soon as the woman stepped into her office that morning. "Where's Quinn?"

"Working." Piper smiled back at the woman after hugging her and making her way to the usual chair in front of her desk. "She couldn't make it. But she told me to send you her love."

"What a sweet girl." Dr. Clarke said, as she sat down in front of Piper again. "So, since she won't be coming, we might as well start, huh? So, how have you been?"

"I've been... Okay." Piper said.

And it was true. She was okay now. She was more than okay, she was healed. And even more than that, she was sure. Quinn was sure. They knew what they wanted and, after having taken a few months to recover, they were ready to try again. The whole process, starting it over as if nothing had happened before.

Now, they were sure.

"You've had a few difficult weeks last year, after the miscarriage, is that correct?" Dr. Clarke asked.

And she wasn't accusing her of anything, Piper knew. She wasn't even judging or expecting some kind of explanation. Actually, she was being really kind about the whole thing and all she wanted was to know what Piper had gone through over the past few months so she could properly diagnose her and help her with her new process now. So, instead of feeling ashamed as she usually did whenever someone pointed out Piper's struggles, this time, she smiled instead.

"I did." Piper admitted then, as Dr. Clarke nodded, silently encouraging her to go on. "I, hum... The first few weeks were the worst."

"They usually are."

"Yeah, I, hum... I was rather depressed for a while." Piper said, ignoring the way Dr. Clarke nodded, writing down a few things along the way. "When... When I was in high school, I struggled a lot with an eating disorder, so... After the... The miscarriage, I mean... I fell back into some old patterns."

"Such as?"

"I skipped whole meals." Piper whispered. "I tried vomiting once too, but Quinn stopped me before I could."

"She's helped you with the disorder, I suppose?" Dr. Clarke asked as Piper smiled gently.

"Quinn helps me with everything." She said, as the doctor in front of her smiled.

Sure, she had seen many in love couples in her time - she did work in a fertility clinic, after all - but there was something different with the Snows. Dr. Clarke was never really able to say for sure, but she knew that whatever those two had, it was special.

"I'm sure." Dr. Clarke said. "But now you're better, right? Because you know that I can't restart the pregnancy process with you if you're still skipping meals or eating unhealthy, you know that, right, Piper?"

"I know." Piper nodded quickly. "I'm better now, though. I don't skip meals anymore and I eat a normal amount. I'm going to therapy once a week still too, so that helps."

"That's great." Dr. Clarke nodded then. "And vomiting?"

"No." Piper shook her head then. "I haven't tried in months."

"Good." Dr. Clarke nodded. "Now... For the psychological side of it all... You know it is quite common for women who had miscarriages might have this constant fear of going through it again during their next pregnancy. It is totally normal, but, as I said before, the fact that it happened once does not mean it will happen again."

"I understand that." Piper nodded.

"Good." Dr. Clarke smiled, placing her pen down so she could look at Piper properly then. "That's a first step. A good one. Now, ai cannot promise you that it won't happen again, but it's a much more likely chance that it won't. About 80 to even 90 percent chance of a successful pregnancy. Especially considering you're young and healthy."

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