Our future

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February 20th, 2017

If anyone were to tell sixteen-year-old, sophomore Piper Snow that this is how her life was going to be right now, she would've never believed it. Yet, there she was... 23 years old, living with New York with her wife of two years. Exactly two years that day, to be precise, and, even after five years of relationship and two of marriage, Quinn and Piper were still very much in love and extremely happy with their lives.

After all, they had everything. They were living in New York and just a few subway stations away from Kurt, Blaine, Rachel and Jesse, who lived in the same building. Twenty minutes in the subway, they could also very easily reach Artie and Kitty's apartment and just a few blocks down, Tina was living alone - though, right now, Mike Chang was thinking of moving to New York and Piper was about 90% that the two of them had been having one of those "not-exclusive" relationships long distance and hooking up whenever they met so there was a big chance Mike would just move in with Tina next month. Mercedes also had an apartment in New York, closer to Quinn and Piper than all of the others, but she wasn't usually there, busy with her career as a musician in L.A. or touring around the country. But the actual closest friends Quinn and Piper had to them were Brittany and Santana who shared an apartment in the very same building as the couple, just two floors below theirs and, honestly, they couldn't have asked for anything better. Sure, Britt and Santana were, more often than not, found in the Snows' apartment and they usually came in unannounced, but, after a while Quinn and Piper sort of got used to it and, now, they didn't even flinch when they got home from work or the supermarket and one of the other women was just lounging around in their sofa while eating whatever baked goods Piper had left laying around for her and her wife.

Not today, however. Today, the two couples - and, probably Blaine and Kurt - would be spending their night away from each other considering that was their second wedding anniversary and the first one had already been a collective party, this time around they had decided to celebrate on their own. Which is how Piper Snow found herself taking a break from her paintings that Monday to spend her whole afternoon putting together a special dinner for when Quinn got home from work. Now, Piper wasn't the best cook out there, but she could handle her own and, thankfully, one of Quinn's favorite foods was lasagna which wasn't all that hard to make. So that's what Piper did. A lasagna for her wife and a batch of home-made cookies as well. She set the table beautifully and even gone all out and bought some flowers to put there as a decoration.

As the lasagna heated in the oven, Piper showered and put on a pretty dress - a black and golden one that Quinn always complimented her on - and, after applying some light make-up and doing her hair, she laid out in their bed an outfit for Quinn as well, meaning to send her wife off on a bath as well as soon as she got home, knowing she would, most likely, be tired from work.

Piper had timed everything perfectly apparently, because, as soon as she was done with everything in the bedroom, she heard the front door being unlocked and rushed over to the dining room to wait for Quinn to come in.

"Angel? I'm home!" Quinn called, pulling off her jacket and placing her purse down by the entrance before walking into the house with a small frown at the dimmed lights of the apartment. "P? Oh my God..."

Quinn stopped dead in her tracks when she found Piper. There she was, her wife, looking beautiful as ever in her dress and with her hair half up. Quinn could see the light pink lipstick on her lips - the cherry one, most likely - and she certainly didn't miss the earrings she was wearing that Quinn had gotten her for her birthday last year. She looked amazing - like a woman, even if the freckles littered across her face and down her neck and the fact that she refused to wear shoes in the house as she stood barefoot in front of her made her look a bit younger than she really was. But she still looked perfect. And that was without even mentioning the beautiful table she had, clearly, sat for them.

Picture Perfect - The sequel - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now