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May 26th, 2018

Quinn was up in a flash when Piper jumped up from their bed and rushed toward the bathroom.

"Angel?" She called gently, rolling in her bed to take a look at the clock beside her. 2:00 a.m. it read. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just-"

Piper was interrupted by a harsh gag of her own and, just like that, Quinn was up on her feet, rushing inside the bathroom as she gasped once she saw her wife curled up on the floor, leaning over the toilet as she emptied out her stomach inside.

"Oh, my baby..." Quinn cooed gently, moving to take a seat beside Piper after having reached for a hair tie on their sink and pulling her brown locks back in a messy ponytail. "What happened?"

"I don't know." Piper admitted quietly. "It's not... I mean, I promise it is not... I have been eating right, I swear, I just-" She gagged again, but nothing came out this time. "Oh, God."

"I know." Quinn assured, rubbing a hand up and down her back as she fanned the back of her neck gently to try and offer her wife some comfort. "I know, angel, I do. But it's two a.m. and you're puking on the bathroom. Are you sick?"

"I don't know." Piper shrugged, leaning back against Quinn a bit when the blonde reached over to place a hand on her forehead. "I feel funny."


"My stomach doesn't feel right."

"Well, you don't seem to have a fever." Quinn shrugged. "I'll go get a thermometer just to be sure..."

"No, wait!" Piper said, a bit too loudly, but Quinn chose to ignore it, considering she was a bit sick and she tended to get clingy in situations like that. So, instead, Quinn just let Piper grab her hands in hers as she closed her eyes, breathing slowly to try and calm her upset stomach down a bit. "Stay here. Don't go."

"I need to make sure you're not sick, angel." Quinn chuckled at the small pout that formed in Piper's lips.

"I'm not." She protested.

"You're vomiting."

"Doesn't mean I'm sick." She said, as Quinn laughed with a gentle roll of her eyes. "We ate a lot last night. Maybe I just ate something bad."

"We ate the same thing last night, angel."

"Maybe it just affected me."

"It was pasta." Quinn argued. "I cooked it for us. How could it have given you food poisoning if it's the same thing I've been making for years?"

"I... I don't know." Piper admitted, pouting again when she realized she had no more arguments to give.

"You're such a child when you're sick." Quinn chuckled.

"I'm not sick, though."

"Yes, you are." Quinn said. "I just need to go grab the thermometer, angel."

"Don't leave me."

"I won't even leave the bathroom, angel." Quinn laughed, getting Piper to sit down straighter on the floor so she could stand up with risking Piper falling over. "I just need to reach the cabinet."

"Don't go." Piper pouted again.

"It's five seconds, Piper. No more." Quinn said, standing up and walking toward the cabinet as she crouched down in front of it. "I just need to find the thermometer so we can..."

There was a moment of silence then, when Quinn's eyes fell on something inside the cabinet that wasn't the thermometer. Piper must have noticed because, soon enough, she had frowned and, still leaning against the toilet, she turned to her wife, confused.

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