Stupid little glee club

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A/N: Not me being an unbashful Tike shipper again lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. As always, let me know your thoughts!

June 30th, 2018

It sounded cheesy to say, but everything had happened very, very fast. After finally getting back together at the end of July last year, everything had started happening all at once for Mike and Tina. By September, they had a dog together. By November, another smaller one and a fish. By February, they had started to fall into a routine together already as most couples who live together tend to do. And by the start of June, Mike Chang had actually worked out the nerve to propose to his long term on-again-off-again girlfriend. And, as expected, she had said yes.

So, there they were, two weeks later at one of Tina's favorite restaurants - and no, it wasn't the Mamma's Cantina this time - to celebrate their engagement.

Everyone was very excited for the couple and their table - as usual - was the loudest one around. They didn't care, however. All they cared about at the moment was to enjoy one another's company, drink, laugh, have fun and, most importantly, eat. Now, Piper had been having some trouble with the eating part, since pretty much anything made her stomach twist.

"I mean, you've always been a picky eater. It makes sense that now that you're pregnant you'll accept even less options." Quinn had pointed out one day, after ordering the same plate from the same restaurant for the third time that week. "The Chinese place down the street better gives us a premium service, though, because if you keep eating only their Yakissoba for the rest of this thing, we'll have spent millions on them."

Piper had laughed at the time, whining and complaining that she wasn't that much of a picky eater and she was getting better, gradually, but when, at the new restaurant for Tina and Mike's engagement party she had practically drooled all over as soon as she saw the option of an Yakissoba in the menu, she knew her wife wouldn't miss the opportunity to mess with her.

"Let me guess what you want to eat tonight..." She had joked earlier, pretending to think long and hard as she looked over at the menu.

"Shut up." Piper laughed, hitting Quinn lightly on the thigh as the blonde chuckled along with her. "But, yes. That's what I want. Will you share it with me?"

"Will you let me?"

"You should respect me more, you know?" Piper had told her then, sending the woman a playful glare before leaning closer to her to whisper in her ear. "I am carrying your child, after all."

"Our child." Quinn corrected, almost automatically, her tone low so that only Piper would hear her. "You're right, though. I shouldn't be making fun of you. I apologize."

"Hum..." Piper hummed appreciatively, as she leaned closer to Quinn - if that was even possible - and pressed a kiss to her lips. "That's better."

"C'mon, love birds, quit whispering to each other and tell us what you want so we can order." Santana called, kicking Piper lightly from underneath the table as the freckled woman rolled her eyes dramatically and pulled away from her wife. "Make it quick. I'm starving."

And so they had order. And while they waited, they all talked. Soon enough, the food had been served. And while they ate, they all talked. After that, the plates had been taken away. And as they digested the food, they all talked.

As Piper chatted away with Blaine and Kurt, she could feel Quinn's hand resting as close to her stomach as possible without looking too suspicious and Piper couldn't help but smile at the gesture. Because, ever since her pregnancy had been confirmed, Quinn had made it a habit to rest her hand over Piper's belly whenever it was only the two of them around. Piper had asked her once why it was that she like to do it so much.

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