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After a nice night, and a good sleep, you felt better than yesterday. You quickly got dressed and did your hair with a charm then made your way down the stairs where you found people whispering and mumbling about Harry.
"He really put his name in the goblet"
"Of course, the boy who lived risks his life"
"He'll surely lose"
You overheard a few words as you were walking out. You, being the bold person you are stood on the table and caught everyone's attention.

"You are all horrible" you scoffed as everyone got quiet "talking about a fellow housemate, pathetic. For godrics sake Harry didn't put his name in the goblet, but I'll see you all in the stand cheering him on I suppose" you rolled your eyes getting down and walking out. As you made your way out Goethe grabbed your arm.

"Hey" he spoke softly.

"What's up love" you smiled.

"What was all that about?" He furrowed his brows.
"Come on George you don't believe Harry put his name in do you" you rolled your eyes as he looked for words to say.

"George this is Harry we're talking about!" You're voice got louder.

"If he did?" George crossed his arms.

"He didn't!" You got more and more angry.

"How did it happen to get in the goblet then, of course Harry gets the fame, again! Me and Fred put our all into the bloody potion with no help to you" he quickly realized what he said.

"That's what you're thinking then? You're cross i didn't help you two" you scoffed "that would be amazing! My brother, practical cousin, boyfriend and bestfriend all going for this stupid tournament! As if I wanted any of you to even try! You think Harry wants to be in this!? You think I want to watch this?! Why would I help any of you just to watch you all get hurt." You went on.

"Y/n I-" George tried to explain.

"No please I need to go" you turned quickly walking away.

You made your way down to the hall where everyone at the gryffindor table sat quiet. Ron seemed upset and Hermione sat with him. Harry was sitting alone. You made your way to sit next to him and smiled.

"All right then, we got toast, pumpkin juice, eating any?" You smiled holding a piece of toast to Harry.

"Thanks" he gave a half smile "you're not sitting with the twins?"

"Just need a break from them for a minute" you shrugged biting into your toast.

"You? A break from the twins?" Harry laughed "never in a million years would I thought I have heard that"

"Yeah well today, much needed" you laughed.

Harry gave a nice smile, one you haven't seen since the beginning of the year, you smiled back at him, Harry was the person whom you'd turn to platonically, of course now that you know you two are almost related between Sirius black, you've grown much closer.

"Why aren't you sitting with Ron?" You questioned.

"He thinks I put my name in the goblet, everyone does if you didn't know" he rolled his eyes.

"Rubbish" you scoffed.

"Rubbish? Are you calling me a liar? Go on ask everyone?" He looked serious.

"No because most people will say yes you did put your name." You made direct eye contact with Harry staring him down.

"So, I'm right" he threw his hands up.

"No, I'm right, i don't think you put your name in the goblet and I, am a part of everyone therefore not everyone thinks you put your name in" you explained.

"If you wanted me to be quiet you could've said that" Harry mumbled.

"Whatever, come on, let's get to class" you smiled.

With that, you got up making your way to your first class. You and Harry parted your ways, him to divination and you to potions. You got all the way there when George stopped you.

"Y/n" George called.

"George I have class" you avoided him as much as you could considering how cross you were with him.

"I have the same class, let's sit together" he hopefully smiled.

"I'll sit with Lee" you walked away abruptly leaving George there saddened.

"Hey there skyes" Jordan smiled "haven't seen you in a bloody minute!"

"I know! How is everything? How is spinnet" you smirked.

"Well, skyes, it might interest you that me and Alicia are official" he smiled like a goof.

"Finally! You've been in love with that girl since 1st year" you laughed.

You looked over and seen George pouting at his desk, you knew he wanted to come and joke with you but he deserved a little bit of punishment for being so rude to you.

"No talking, now today we are learning about love potions" Snape eyed you then George.

You rolled your eyes putting your head in your hands to pay attention. Potions was the longest class even though Snape was particularly nice to you compared to other Gryffindors, he still was very strict and you always got bored easily. After what felt like forever class finally ended.  You were about to walk out when George stopped you to talk.

"Hey please, can we talk?" George pleaded.

You gave a look almost giving in when snape caught both of your guys' attention.

"Mr.Weasley I need to talk to miss Sykes alone please, without her little tail following, thank you" he spoke in monotone

George just nodded and left. You went and sat on the desk in front of snapes' desk and asked what he needed to talk about.

"I didn't, I sensed a bit of, tension between you and mr.Weasley, his puppy dog eyes across my classroom at you" Snape raised his eyebrows.

"We got into a little bit of an argument today" you leaned back.

"Well one of the, many, things I know is You and mr.Weasley are an extraordinary pair, undoubtedly even on the worst terms" he smirked.

"I know" you smiled, thinking about the time you and George turned Snape's  hair pink.

"Now off you go" he shooed looking down at papers on his desk putting them into place.

"Professor.." you wondered.

"Yes" he raised his eyes to you.

"Have you ever been in love?" You questioned.

Snape smiled softly at you, with a twinge of happiness in his full eyes "yes".

"Oh.. are you still? What does it feel like?" You asked more.

"Sometimes, I believe so, and, it feels like you would, give everything to protect them" he smiled looking off into nothing.

"Right" you smiled softly.

Maybe making up with George was the right thing to do. One thing you know beyond if You were mad at George, you were in love with him, and he with you.

Sorry I've been late with updating guys! School has me stressed to the max but more chapters are coming!!
Love, rei

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