part 6 * feelings & awk convos

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group chat: mooroodoors🤠

james: hi guys
james: i need advice besties

remus: on what

sirius: CAN I HELP

peter: ok

james: so don't get me wrong
james: evans is beautiful
james: but i'm just not as interested
as i used to be??????

sirius: WHAT

peter: WHAT

remus: and?

james: I DONT KNOW
james: i'm kinda interested in
this other girl
james: but i can't tell if it's just
because we've gotten closer or
because i actually like her
james: i've lit rally liked lily flower
since first year so this is weird

sirius: imagine having feelings

remus: well i think this is to be expected
remus: like you said you've liked
lily since first year so of course you're
eventually gonna like someone else,
it's been like 7 years

james: ur so wise

remus: so basically
remus: you should just leave your
options open

james: leave my options open

james is offline

sirius: it's callie isn't it

remus: yep

private chat

my fav marauder😻🤞: hi

callie: hi

my fav marauder😻🤞: how are u

callie: i'm great
callie: how are u

my fav marauder😻🤞: splendid

callie: do u like need something

my fav marauder😻🤞: no why cant
i just talk to you
my fav marauder😻🤞: is that weird
my fav marauder😻🤞: I DONT KNOW

james is offline

callie: what is happening

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