part 18 * brothers & doughnuts

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private message

ben: hello callie

ben: it's been awhile since
we've talked

callie: yea well who's fault is that

callie: just bc we share a last
name doesn't mean we're friends

ben: you don't mean that

callie: says who

ben: me

callie: ur opinion was no
longer valid the second you
stopped defending me

ben: so what my friends
are slimy gits but that doesent
say anything about me

callie: you're not even worth
the calories i burn while
texting you

callie: so kindly shut the
fuck up

ben: watch your mouth calliope

callie: did your friends watch their
mouths when they beat me up

callie: and then left me in the

callie: i had to be in the hospital
wing for a week A WEEK

ben: i didn't come here
to talk about the past

callie: well that fucking sucks
for you

ben: you shouldn't be dating

callie: yea and why's that?

ben: he's not a good kid

ben: isn't he in love with evans?

callie: you don't get to
comment on my life

callie: ever

ben: i'm just looking out
for you

callie: that is the most toxic
and manipulative thing you
have ever said


ben: potters gonna use you
and then he's gonna dump you
and you'll be left with nothing

callie: i don't believe a thing
you say to me

ben: that's the problem
with you

ben: a hufflepuff, you only
ever see the good

ben: you're blind

callie: just about as blind
as your blood supremacist ways

ben: yea well who's mom
and dads favorite

callie: you became dead to me
the second you came home
and told me all about blood
purity and it's importance

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