part 14 * divinations & babies

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group chat: shits & giggles🤡🤡

bad bleep🚨: i am going
to lose my mind if professor cricket
says one more person is gonna

callie: we're all gonna die at some point
callie: it's j a matter of when
and where

james💓: that was lowkey

rempedia😼: this is why i hate

callie: i wouldnt b surprised if she
said that u four are all going to live
together for the rest of ur lives

rempedia😼: i think i have
more potential then that

rempedia😼: idk about them

james💓: OUCH

bad bleep🚨: OUCH

idk peter🎂: oh

callie: LMAOAOAO

james💓: callie why is she
walking over to you

callie: ohmygosh

professor cricket sauntered over to where callie was sitting with cooper. the class watched with baited breath as she looked into the crystal ball.

"oh deary, i see love and prosperity in your future." she paused as the woman looked deeper into the orb, "2 children with unruly black hair.  he is just like his father. she is just like her mother" professor cricket spoke with a happy smile on her face.

"oh well that's... lovely?" callie have a half smile to the woman, while trying to ignore the 4 boys across the room who looked like they were about to wet themselves.

group chat : shits & giggles🤡🤡

bad bleep🚨: IM GONNA

callie: be quiet

rempedia😼: why is this
so funny

james💓: who's the lucky man

bad bleep🚨: hm let think

bad bleep🚨: messy black hair

bad bleep🚨: i do wonder

callie: i cant do this rn

bad bleep🚨: what a lucky
baby daddy

callie: goodbye now 💖💖💖

callie is offline

bad bleep🚨: james are u that dumb

james💓: huh

rempedia😼: i cant with him anymore

bad bleep🚨: MESSY BLACK HAIR


james💓: excuse u miss girl

james💓: im like 17

bad bleep🚨: hence the term 'baby daddy'

james💓: even if i did have kids
they would be the hottest kids ever

james💓: especially w callie

rempedia😼: he did not

bad bleep🚨: HE DID TOOOOO

private chat

cooper: ayo congrats on
the baby man

cooper: babies*

james: plz not u too

cooper: HAH U WISH

cooper: but if the boy isnt
named cooper we have a problem

james: sir yes sir

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