part 25 * airfryers & string cheese

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groupchat: bitch ass motherfuckers

callie: work is boring
callie: save me

lily: but don't u like design

callie: my manager won't let
me do anythinggggggg

bad bleep🚨: sucks 2 suck

callie: i'm lit rally gonna
throw u into a fire

bad bleep🚨: oh i'd like
to see you try

james💓: BREAK IT UP
james💓: BREAK IT UP

callie: i am calm and collected

rempedia😼: oh i'm sure u r

callie: dont test me rn

james💓: why don't we
have anything to eat at home

callie: maybe if u went to
the store😑😑😑😑😑

james💓: store so far
couch so comfy

callie: j put some ketchup
in the air fryer💖💖💖💖

james💓: NOOO
james💓: wait we don't
even own an airfryer

callie: your welcome for that

bad bleep🚨: whats an airfryer

callie: oh sirius

bad bleep🚨: PLZ TELL ME

callie: it eats ur clothes
callie: kinda like a vacuum
callie: but viscous

lily: she's right

alice: it's terrifying

bad bleep🚨: that's so scary

callie: i know
callie: i know

private chat

marlene: why are there a
bunch of boxes in ur driveway

callie: huh

marlene: well i came to gave
james a burger
marlene: like the good friend
i am
marlene: and i cant even drive
onto the driveway bc it's covered
in boxes

callie: you've got to be kidding me
callie: i'm gonna go kill james brb

private chat


james💓: hi love 💖

callie: do not hey love me

james💓: have i told u how
much i love you?
james💓: I LOVE YOU

callie: marlene said
callie: that there are like a million
boxes in our driveway

james💓: ahahahahah
james💓: don't listen to marlene
james💓: ahahhahaha

callie: ok omw home rn

james💓: dozen..

callie: ohmygosh
callie: what's in the boxes

james💓: okay so i found this
muggle food service that delivers
ur groceries to ur house
james💓: and i got carried away
while ordering...

callie: well what foods did u get

james💓: i ordered a lot of
chocolate and icecream
james💓: oh and string cheese
james💓: idk it's a muggle thing

callie: i suppose it's ok then
callie: only if i can have the string

james💓: SURE

callie: ok i love u again


callie: ¡nunca!

james💓: ¡si!

groupchat : bitch ass motherfuckers

callie: string cheese party at
james' and my house tn
callie: wear ur funeral outfits💖
callie: b there or b square😼

marlene: SOUNDS LIKE A


bad bleep🚨: just to be clear
you don't have an airfryer right?

callie: you'll have to see😼

rempedia😼: they don't have an
airfryer padfoot

bad bleep🚨: OKAY ILL B THERE

alice: i'll bring the wine!!!!

lily: i can bring the books!!

callie: lily sweetie
callie: no books

lily: fine😒

- - - - - - - -

i'm in like a string cheese phase so
happy wednesday ig idk??????
- carly

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