part 9 * arguments and walks

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private chat

callie: hi i'm bored

my fav marauder😻🤞: hi bored
my fav marauder😻🤞: im james

callie: ur so funny i'm shitting my pants

my fav marauder😻🤞: aw were u
not potty trained

callie: i'm literally gonna throw u
out of the window

my fav marauder😻🤞: kinky

callie: if u don't shut ur arse up

my fav marauder😻🤞: i thought you
wanted to talk to me?
my fav marauder😻🤞: i bet you'd know
all about my arse😼

callie: mhm and what's that
supposed to mean

my fav marauder😻🤞: dont lie hill
i've totally seen u checking out my arse

callie: I HAVE NOT

my fav marauder😻🤞: HAVE TO

callie: HAVE NOT

my fav marauder😻🤞: HAVE TO


callie is offline

my fav marauder😻🤞: shit

@callieisanangel : i originally came to beat him up but we ended up going for a walk @jamesisthebest

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@callieisanangel : i originally came to beat him up but we ended up going for a walk @jamesisthebest

seen by cooperlovesfood55, lilyflower55, birius_slack, and 305 others


@cooperlovesfood55 : tell him to stay at least 10 feet away from you BOUNDARIES
^@jamesisthebest : crying rn

@jamesisthebest: why are we literally the coolest
^@callieisanangel : tell me about it

@remuslupin : sirius is sobbing rn
^@remuslupin : i'm not even joking

@lilyflower55 : lowkey get it

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@jamesisthebest : we're so iconic
@jamesisthebest: i had fun today btw ;)

@callieisanangel : me too :))

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