part 15 * rain & kisses

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group chat : shits & giggles🤡🤡

callie: guys it's raining

bad bleep🚨: great observation!

rempedia😼: shut up
mcgonnagall is gonna take
our phones if she sees us

callie: no can do remsie pooh

james💓: hey you're not
allowed to call anyone else that!!!!

callie: sorry jamesie pooh

bad bleep🚨: stop flirting

james💓: i walk in on u
and moony snogging like 24/7

callie: get owned

bad bleep🚨: we're getting off

bad bleep🚨: why is it
important that it's raining

callie: i'm gonna act like u
didn't j say that

james💓: I KNOW

callie: this is why james is
my favorite

bad bleep🚨: NO

callie: sucks 2 suck

callie: james we're skipping
the rest of our classes

james💓: YAY sounds
like a plan

callie is offline
james is offline

bad bleep🚨: i feel so left out

"ready?" callie asked as she walked up to james in the corridor after transfiguration.

"of course." he responded with a smug smile. they started off towards the courtyard.

once they reached the exit to the castle callie turned to him with a large smile before dropping her bag and running off, he followed suit and eventually caught up to her.

they ran to the black lake while laughing loudly to themselves, the rain soaking them while doing so.

"dance with me?" james asked through the rain while holding his hand out.

she turned to him with a large smile before taking his hand and dancing messily.

they swayed obnoxiously to non-existent music, as she settled her head on his chest.

after a couple minutes the girl picked her head back up and looked at him to already see james staring at her.

"what?" she asked with a small smile.

"you're just gorgeous." he spoke.

"oh just kiss me potter." she laughed lightly before he did just that, and kissed her.

@birius_slack : lol look what i found @jamesisthebest @callieisanangel

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@birius_slack : lol look what i found @jamesisthebest @callieisanangel

seen by callieisanangel, jamesisthebest, cooperlovesfood55

@callieisanangel: SIRIUS BLACK

@jamesisthebest: LMAOOOAOAOAOAO

@jamesisthebest: GUESS WHO GOT THE GIRL

@jamesisthebest: I GOT THE GIRLLLLLL
^@birius_slack: FUCK YEA

@cooperlovesfood55: ur about ten feet too close potter

@cooperlovesfood55: but ig u make a cute couple🙄🙄

@callieisanangel: okay but like we're kinda cute
^@jamesisthebest: WE KISSED
^@callieisanangel: YAY

@remuslupin: about time hmmm

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was that too sappy i can't tell
n e ways not me uploading during class
no wonder i'm so bad at chemistry
but in my defense my teacher is a jackass

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