part 16 * ignorance and cuddles

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private chat

cooper: i swear to mother
fucking merlin ali

callie: uh oh
callie: i'm not sure why ur
callie: but i swear i have an

cooper: james j texted me

callie: ...

cooper: WHY ARE YOU

callie: i have no idea
what ur talking about

cooper: cut the crap

cooper: deadass

callie: ok maybe i have been

cooper: u guys kissed
like a week ago

cooper: havent u wanted this
since you were like 11????????

callie: OK YEA BUT

cooper: NO BUTS

cooper: WHY

callie: I DONT WANT TO

cooper: and how would
you mess it up???????

callie: miss girl idk

cooper: ohmygosh answer
the question

callie: we j became like
really good friends

callie: if this doesn't work out
i don't want to loose our

cooper: but wouldn't it b
worth it

dumbledore is online

dumbledore: listen to cooper
dumbledore: i'm not losing
galleons to minevra

dumbledore is offline

callie: how the gosh diggity
darnit did he do that

cooper: IM RIGHT

cooper: but we expected that

callie: i'm going to throw
u out of the window 🏌️🏌️

cooper: how sweet!!!💖💖💖💖

cooper: now go talk to him

callie is offline
private chat

callie: hi

james💓: hey

callie: i'm sorry
callie: for ignoring u for
like a week

james💓: it's cool

james💓: but why did u

james💓: ignore me for a week

callie: i was j scared things
werent gonna work out

james💓: don't stress urself
w the future

james💓: this is new

james💓: and if it doesn't
work it doesn't work but that
doesn't mean we can't be friends
after that

callie: ur right

callie: can u hangout??

james💓: yes ofc

callie: GREAT omw

callie is offline

@callieisanangel : my fav @jamesisthebest

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@callieisanangel : my fav @jamesisthebest

seen by birius_slack, remuslupin, marls , and 367 others

@jamesisthebest: WERE HOT
^@callieisanangel: i hear no lies

@marls: tell james to put on a shirt i don't want babies running around
^@callieisanangel: MARLENE MCKINNON
^@birius_slack: i'm pissing my pants

@remuslupin: sirius and i are cuter
^@jamesisthebest: impossible

@birius_slack: cant top moons and i but cute ig🙄🙄

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