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Thought it was funny.

Third POV:

Izuku was walking to his dorm after classes ended to study. He was looking through his phone when he suddenly got a call. Without hesitation he picked up, his eyes having a small twinkle in them when he heard the voice on the other line.
"Hey Denki! What's up?" Izuku had a bubbly feeling in his chest and already knew it was from his crush on the electric boy. Ever since Denki had asked Izuku to help him study, they had study sessions today every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Kaminari wasn't able to study two days in a row and Izuku respected that.

"Aye! Midoriya! I was wondering if we could change our studying time to 5 o'clock instead of right after school ends?" Izuku had a small smile on his lips still as he nodded, before he realized that Kaminari couldn't hear or see him nod and mentally face palmed.
"Yeah, sure. If you don't mind me asking, why though?" Izuku reached his door as he said that and opened it almost falling.
"Well uh, I just wanted to hang out with you for a little where it wasn't based on studying." Izuku felt himself smile even wider as a small blush made its way up to his freckled face.

"You know Denki, if you want you can come over now, or we could study on Saturday and hang out together on Friday, tomorrow." Honestly Izuku just wanted an excuse to see him now so he was hoping for the first option. He sat at his desk and began to take out his supplies as Kaminari continued talking.
"Yeah! Can I come over now? I got a new video game and a few new comics!" Denki enthusiastic voice tone always made Izuku feel relaxed.
"Great! So I'll come over now?" Denki asked, wanting to make sure that was alright.
"Of course! See you in a bit Denki, love you"
"See ya, Love you too!" They both hung up their respected phones before slowly realizing what had just been said.

'OmgOmgOmgOmg I just told Denki that I love him!? And he said it back but maybe it was just force of habit? He probably didn't mean it but what if he did then?!' Izuku continued to mutter and freak out until a knock was heard at his door, that only caused a more panic to rise in Izuku's body as he went to open the door. Izuku opened the door and was barely able to know if it was Denki before he was being hugged.
"Did you mean it? I need to know." Izuku could hear Denki panting slightly and saw the redness on both of their shared cheeks.
"I-uh-I mean- yeah..?" Izuku stammered in embarrassment before he felt his face being grabbed by slightly soft hands that a warmth to them.
"I like you a lot. Like a lot, a lot." Izuku's nervously laughed as his face flamed up even more, this was so awkward but he enjoyed being held by Denki.

Izuku and him locked eyes before lips were smashed against his abruptly.
"Mmhn!??" It took a few moments for Izuku to fully realize the situation and kiss Denki back. They held onto each other just kissing, though it wasn't to neat it was quite sloppy do to both of them having a little inexperience and teeth clashing. Soon enough they pulled away because of air and Izuku let out a small laugh.
"Well that kiss could've been a little less sloppy." Denki smirked before looking back at him,
"Then maybe we should use the rest of the day to practice?"
"I think that would be a good idea Denki~" Denki was only half joking, but was pleased to hear that Izuku has no objections. What they did during that time was of no ones business, even if Denki and Izuku each had one or two hickeys.

Please be safe my little bunnies 💌
Words 665

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