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"Was that who I think it was?" Megan immediately ambushed me after I had entered the house from the front door.

I rolled my eyes as I walked past her to the living room where I flopped down tiredly on the couch.

"Shaeeeee you never answered my question..." Megan sang out annoyingly soon following in after me.

"There's nothing to say." I huffed, crossing both of my arms across my chest.

"Okay... so we're both just going to ignore the fact that Pete, my boyfriends best friend, the guy we found in your room the night of the party, and the same guy who happens to go the same therapists office as you didn't just drop you off."

I stayed silent as I shut my eyes, a headache growing as Megan continued to bombard me.

"And not to mention the same guy who likes you."

"Pete does not like me Meg." I said harshly opening my eyes slightly to see Megan sitting down besides me on the couch.

"I know you keep saying that but it's so fucking obvious he does Shae." She said back matching my harsh tone.

"Listen I'm sorry to give your hopes up but he only gave me a ride because Claire was gonna be late to pick me up." I said burying my face into my hands.

"Whatever you say." Megan said more quietly and I peeked my face out of my hands to see her shaking her head back and forth.

"Speaking of where is that fucker." I grumbled finally noticing Claire still wasn't here.

"Honestly I'm not completely sure, all she said is that Liv had some sort of emergency and that she needed to get to her right away." Megan said leaning back into the couch.

"So it's just the two of us tonight?" I asked leaning back against the couch as well and turning my head to look at her.

"Only if you want me here." She joked.

I laughed slightly and closed my eyes taking a deep breath, "only because I have no other choice." I said laughing at my own joke.

"Fuck you I know you love me." She said now coming in for a hug.

Groaning I tried shoving her off of me. She only laughed as her grip became tighter around my waist.

"Alright whatever bitch I love you too." I said smiling as I hugged her back.


"Gotchu again bitch!" I yelled jumping up from the couch excitedly after beating Megan in another round of Mario Kart.

"Would you sit your ass down." She said, clearly annoyed at me.

"Awww Meg don't be sad that I'm much better at this then you are." I fake pouted to her as I sat back down on the couch, picking up my blunt I had rolled previously and lighting it.

Bringing the joint to my lips I inhaled the toxic smoke letting it fill up my lungs.

Still having a satisfied smirk plastered across my face I looked over towards Megan who was staring down at her phone. I could see she was busy texting someone.

Moments of silence filled the room until I could hear Megan shuffling around on the couch.

"Listen so I know I said it would just be the two of us tonight but... I wanted to know if you would be cool if Colson came over." Megan asked me looking up from her phone with wide pleading eyes.

"Megggggg." I said dramatically dragging out her name as I rolled my eyes, taking another drag from my joint and leaning back against the couch.

"I know you don't really want to see him but I haven't been able to hangout with him in a couple days cause of school and he's been busy with his stuff and he's finally free tonight." She said shaking my shoulders.

love, or the lack thereof (p. davidson)Where stories live. Discover now