twenty eight

357 9 9

*last chapter (authors note at the end)


The world had gone still.

My mind had stopped spinning.

No words came from his mouth. His gorgeous lips that were covered in droplets of rain. Those same lips that met mine passionately.

Our lips moved perfectly in sync like they were always meant to. My hands reached to wrap around his neck, my fingers grazing through his wet hair.

The rain pelted down on us. It was something out of a movie scene. We were soaked from head to toes as we continued to kiss, the cold of our damp clothes becoming a second thought as fire ignited in our hearts.

His hands gripped my hips firmly, bringing my body closer to his own, feeling his heart beat quickly against my chest.

This was something I would never want to forget because it was a feeling I would never get to experience for the first time again.

Pulling away to soon, his forehead rested against mine as we could hear ourselves breathing heavy.

Silence fell upon us as we listened to the rain pouring down on the roofs of the houses surrounding the neighborhood. My eyes were closed scared this had all been a dream.

"I've waited for you to say those words to me ever since I first spoke to you."

Pete's words were just above a whisper. Only meant for me to hear. My eyes fluttered open at the sound of his gentle voice, his brown eyes staring deeply into mine.

Tears formed in my eyes once again. They weren't sad tears but they weren't happy. More relieved. Relieved that he wasn't upset or disgusted. My worst nightmare.

"Shae...ever since I barged into your room that night of the party, I couldn't help but want to get to know you. You are the most intriguing, interesting, and most beautifully honest human I have ever met and it's hard to come past one now a days."

I didn't say a word. My mouth was frozen shut. He only laughed quietly at my reaction luckily not taking offense to my lack of sentences.

"I've never met someone quite as special as you. Everyday that has gone by where you weren't there was hell. You had become such a normal part in my life, I didn't know what to do with myself when you were gone."

"I'm sorry." I whisper finally mustering up the courage to say something.

His hands cup my face perfectly, like they were always meant to be placed there.

"Don't ever say you're sorry to me. I should be sorry for not telling you how I felt sooner, and I should be sorry for letting you leave me so easily without even giving a fight. I'm fucking sorry Shae."

He looked down at me sternly making sure I heard every single word that had come from his mouth.

I could only nod before burying myself into his chest, shaking from not only the cold wet rain, but the relieved cries pouring out of me.


LISTEN!!!! So this wasn't originally gonna be the last chapter but reading it back made me realize that this is how I wanted it to end. Open.

I know you are all probably going to hate me for this but I love letting you guys decided what happens next for them. And I might post a little like epilogue afterwards for an "official" close to the book if you want and feel free to comment your ideas of what you want to see happen for Shae and Pete in the future.

And who knows maybe I'll end up making a sequel or something you really never know with me.

I really hope you guys loved this book because it was so fun and interesting to write. I absolutely loved the process of creating this for you guys. Your support means EVERYTHING to me. SERIOUSLY.

I love each and every one of you who have read my books or even just this one. This won't be the last you see of me... I promise. I'm constantly working on a Pete's imagine book if you want to check that out.

Please stay safe, GET VACCINATED, WEAR A MASK, and most importantly BE KIND TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON.

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