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My eyes slowly fluttered open as the memories from last night began to flood my brain.

Turning over, my eyes fell to the ground where Pete was sleeping soundly. The blanket was tightly wrapped around him and his mouth hung open slightly.

I reached over to my desk to grab my phone from its charger.

Looking at the screen the time read 11:30 am. Not to fucking bad. Normally I would wake up way later in the day so this was new for me.

I sat in quiet as I scrolled through my phone, seeing a text notification from Claire that was sent in the middle of night.

Yo what the fuck is
all that noise
coming from ur room?

I was really fucking hoping she had slept through that. Damn.

I sent a quick response hoping she would see it sooner rather then later since she had sent the text in the middle of the night and it was now morning.

Sorry I got
a little bit to high
last night and ran into
my desk :/

I was praying she would somehow believe that shitty lie.

I scrolled through my phone for a couple minutes until I heard noise coming down from the floor.

I watched as Pete slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his face.

"Morning." His rough voice said to me once he noticed my stare.

"Hey." I said quietly

He shut his eyes again for a moment until opening them fully and looking up towards the ceiling.

"Ya know I actually slept really fucking good last night for being on the floor." He said as his eyes moved from the ceiling to mine.

I set my phone down on my bed and wrapped myself up in my covers as I continued to make eye contact with Pete.

"Really?" I asked laughing slightly

"Yeah dude, best sleep I've had in a while."

"Well... I guess you should be thankful I let your dumb ass sleep here." I smirked

"Yeah thanks again for that." He said genuinely with a small smile before chuckling quietly.

I laughed along with him, until we both faded off into a comfortable silence.

He turned his attention back towards the ceiling as I kept my focus on him. There was something about Pete that was so... enticing. I wasn't sure what it was, but there was definitely something. Something about him.

"You got any weed in this room of yours?" He asked me suddenly, his eyes coming back to look at me.

Sitting up in my bed I looked at him, curious as to how he knew I had weed.

"Uh... yeah actually." I stuttered taken aback by his question.

"How'd you know I smoked weed?" I asked him curiously as I stood up and walked over to my desk to search through the drawers.

"Dude I could smell it almost immediately after coming into your room the night of that party." He chuckled.

I could feel his stare on me as I found my stash of weed and papers.

"For being someone who smokes you do a pretty good job at hiding it." He said

"I never really try to... but thanks?" I said slightly confused if he was complimenting me or not.

love, or the lack thereof (p. davidson)Where stories live. Discover now