twenty one

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After a long, exhausting night, I lead a very drunk Pete to where his car was parked and place him in the passenger seat.

Lord knows if he was sober he wouldn't dare let me drive his car.

We had said our goodbyes to Megan and Colson who were still partying it up in the club. I honestly didn't how in the hell they could still have an ounce of energy left in them.

I laugh to myself as I look over to Pete who was leaned back in the seat and passed out. Thank god I wouldn't have to hear his drunk mumbles on the way back home.

The drive back to the house was dark and quiet. It was early in the morning by the time we left the club, but not early enough where the sun had started to rise.

I yawn loudly as I pull into the familiar driveway of Pete's house. Looking over to a sleeping Pete, I contemplated on just leaving him in here for the night.

Shaking my head and smiling, I open the car door and step out into the chilly New York air that comes in the night.

I walk around the front of the car to the passenger side where Pete was sitting. I open the door gently and begin to nudge his shoulder in hopes that would wake him up.

"Pete." I whisper as I nudge his shoulder

"Pete we're home." I whisper louder and nudge his shoulder slightly harder.

He groans before stirring awake, his eyes just barely opening.

"Cmon let's go inside it's cold." I say standing up and reaching my hand out to him

He doesn't say a word and grabs my hand, almost tumbling over as I basically have to pull his drunk; sluggish body out of the car.

I close the door as he leans his body onto mine for support. We slowly make our way towards the front door of the house and I have to search through Pete's pockets to find the house keys.

Unlocking the door, I drag Pete with me to his bedroom as quietly as possible. I wasn't sure if Amy was home or not but I knew Casey was here so I didn't want to disturb her.

Finally we make it to his bedroom door and open it quietly and he tries walking over to his bed but ends up falling onto the mattress. Luckily it wasn't the fucking floor.

I laugh as he recovers from his fall and lays down fully on the bed almost immediately falling asleep.

I shake my head and chuckle quietly. I lean against the door frame and just take a moment to admire the sleeping boy in front of me.

Smiling, I turn on my heel and walk out his room, quietly closing the door behind me. As I walk down the hall to my room I notice Casey's bedroom door open just slightly and some light pouring into the dark hallway.

Walking to the door, I peer my head in to see Casey sitting on her bed and watching something on her computer. I assumed it was either a show or a movie.

I knock on the wall softly and she turns her head to my direction, a smile appearing on her face.

"Hey." She whispers to me

"Hi I didn't think you'd be up." I say walking into her room and closing the door.

"Yeah well I'm on college schedule at the moment so I never really go to sleep at a normal time." She says laughing quietly

I laugh and she pats a spot next to her on her bed. "Here come sit."

I smile and walk towards the bed taking the spot next to her. She pauses whatever she was watching and turns to me sitting with her legs crossed.

"So how was the club?"

I turn to her and chuckle

"It was fun, not really my vibe but I still enjoyed it." I say simply shrugging my shoulder.

"Did Pete stay with Colson and Megan?" She asks wondering what had happened to her brother.

"No I had to drag his drunk ass out of the club and back home where he passed out in his bed." I roll my eyes and Casey does the same

"He let you drive his car home?" She questions me with wide eyes, knowing how protective Pete was over his car.

"I mean he was to drunk to really even notice I was. Or else I would have been murdered." I say laughing

"Damn Shae he must really fucking like you. One time he came to one of my college party's and he got so fucking wasted but he still refused to let me drive him home so he ended up sleeping in my fucking dorm."

I laugh harder at her story and can imagine a drunk Pete arguing with his sister about his precious car.

Casey looks at me deeply for a second as if she was trying to search inside of me for an answer to something she was wondering.

"Shae I can tell you like him."

My breathing stops for a second.


"No my other brother chad... of course I'm talking about Pete." She says to me and lightly hitting my shoulder.

I don't say anything and look down to my lap where I play with my fingers.

"I've never seen my brother so happy before. And I think it's because he has you."

Looking back up I'm met with a softly smiling Casey. I try my best to stifle a smile back.

"We're just friends Casey." I say to her, refusing to let her know the rule truth of how I felt.

"Lie to me all you want Shae but I can tell when you guys are around each other that you are meant to be."

It's like her words soak into my skin. She was right in every way, shape, and form. I truly was happiest when I was around Pete. And vice versa. He knew how was feeling every second of every minute and know when has ever been able to do that before.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed." I say cutting off my own thoughts.

Casey only smiles and nods.

"Yeah go ahead you must be tried from having to drag my dumb ass brother back home."

We both laugh and get up from the bed and walk over to the bedroom door.

"Hey Shae?"

I turn my head right as I was about to walk out the room. Casey looked towards me, holding the screen of her computer with one hand, as if she were about to close it.

"Yeah?" I say

She pauses and closes her computer as that I assumed, "don't be scared to tell him."

My face doesn't change and I only slightly nod, I leave her with a small smile as I walk out of her room and walking further down the hall to my room.

Opening the door I don't bother to turn the lights on, and I immediately strip off the dress I was wearing that now felt uncomfortable as hell.

I throw the clothes to the side and pull out some sweatpants and a random t-shirt from one of the dresser drawers.

Remembering my phone was still in my purse in the kitchen, I creep out of my room, down the hall, and to where my purse was rested on a bar stool at the kitchen counter.

I grab my phone and turn around to head back to my room. My feet stop at Pete's bedroom door that I had just closed minutes ago.

I close my eyes and force my feet to remain planted where they are and not barge into Pete's room, and confessing all of my feelings. I couldn't do it knowing if he didn't feel the same that my world would be utterly crushed before me.

Taking a deep breath, I walk away from his door and back into my room where I plug my phone into the charger on the nightstand.

I flop down into the comfort of the bed, the numerous blankets engulfing there warmth around me. As I lie on the bed wrapped in the blanket, I keep myself awake thinking about how I wished Pete were the one wrapped around me.

Shorter chapter I know, but I really like this one :)

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