Chapter 1: First Encounter

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 The halls were empty as you headed to your class. Even though you held your head up high, your stomach was a bundle of nerves when you spot the sign for Class 3-A. You've heard some stories about this class in particular, and were surprised to have been accepted and put into the same class. You can hear the students on the other side of the door, and a deeper voice addressing them. You took a few deep breaths as you grabbed the handle.

"Here goes nothing..." you mutter to yourself. 

 "Alright, we have a new student starting today. Come on in, Y/N." the voice called out to you. You couldn't quite place it as you slid open the door and stepped into the room. Many faces gazed back at you, but the man at the front caught your attention the most. He was tall with a long-sleeved black shirt that was a little torn up on the edges. Black cargo pants and black combat boots to match. What stood out more was the scarf that was draped around his neck. You only knew of one hero that used a scarf for their combat, and he just ended up being your teacher.

 You push a lock of your black hair back, your cat ears twitching to the murmuring further back in the room as you bowed respectfully to the class.

 "Heya, I'm Y/N L/N. I'll be attending UA as of today. I hope we can get along well." You spoke loud and clear to the class. Your ears twitch again as you catch a shorter student with what appeared to be purple hair with balls attached to them.

"Holy crap, it's a cat girl. This is every man's dream." the boy squealed a little too loudly out of excitement. You roll your eyes at him, having already known this response would happen.

 "I'd prefer it if you called me by my name or Neko. Cat girl makes me feel like I'm twelve again." you stated, folding your arms across your chest and taking the boy by surprise.

 "Alright Y/N, you can take a seat in the back there. Now that that's over with, we're moving on..." the teacher went back to his lecture as you find your seat beside the window in the back. You were grateful to get the seat, the clear sky and warm sunlight comforting as your first day in UA began.


 Later after the school day was over, you went back to the dorms to finish unpacking your things. You hoped to do things quietly and settle in better, but your hopes were stepped on instantly the moment you stepped into the common area. The students that were already there immediately surrounded you.

 "Alright Y/N, spill. Why'd you transfer into our third year?" Mina intercepted you first before you could make it to the stairs. She was the first to introduce herself to you when you had a small study break while Aizawa napped. Though she had a ton of energy, Mina held the overly eager boys at bay as you met the others. You weren't quite sure what it was about this girl, but your instincts kept saying she was a friend.

 "I heard UA makes kickass heroes, so I wanted in on the action." you told her as you walked with her over to one of the couches and take a seat with her. A boy with spiky red hair walked over and sat on the ground in front of Mina. They didn't give off a couple's vibe, but they were definitely comfortable around each other.

 "That's a good enough reason as any." Kirishima said while more students joined in. A boy with green hair sat in one of the chairs across from you all as a blonde boy fell back onto the couch and folded his arms under his head.

 "Is there anything you wanted to know?" you asked them, knowing this had to be answered sooner rather than later. You watched as the boy across the way pulled out a notebook and pen from his backpack.

 "Your quirk, what all can you do with it?" Izuku asked curiously with his pen ready to go. You side eyed Mina who gave you an encouraging smile.

 "This is Midoryia's way of learning everyone's quirk. It's actually not so bad with what he discovers. Sometimes he helps us improve our quirks depending on what he comes up with. He can get big brained like that." Mina reassured you.

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