Chapter 6: Opening Old Scars

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 As the exams came to a final close before the holidays, the tension within the dorms was released at all. Once class finalized at the end of the day, everyone gathered back at the dorms to celebrate. Kirishima was the first to burst through the doors, throwing off his backpack and launched himself onto one of the couches.

 "We made it! We survived!" he lands on the sofa, sprawled out when Bakugou shoves him off and sat at the far end of the couch.

 "Dammit, go flop around somewhere else!" Bakugou shouted at him, still looking irritable as ever even with the exams being over with. Kirishima crawls back onto the couch, sitting beside Bakugou and puts an arm around his neck.

 "Come on, man! This is the time to celebrate! We're stress free for awhile and it's winter break. I call that a win." he grunts when Bakugou elbows his side, forcing him to retract his arm from around his neck. Mina dropped her bag beside the couch before sprawling on the rest of the space and resting her head on Kirishima's lap while Denki sat on the floor in front of them.

 "What's everyone doing for their break anyways?" Mina asked the growing crowd. Uraraka sat in one of the chairs and Izuku stood behind her with his hands resting on the back of it.

 "We're going to stay with our families. I guess that's everyone else's plans to?" Uraraka states as she looked around at everyone else who nodded in agreement.

 "Well I'm hanging with Shinso before I head on home." he said proudly, "What about you, Y/N?" he turns the question on you. You sit in the chair across from Uraraka and Izuku, laying your backpack down beside you. You hoped no one would ask you that question, but it couldn't be avoided any longer.

 "I'll be going home." you smile sweetly at him, "However," you turn the tables on Uraraka and Izuku, "I'm quite interested in this." you gesture between them.

 Uraraka looked at you with a shocked look on her face that immediately became flustered, "Wha-what do you mean?" she asks in a panic. Izuku rested a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

 "It's okay, Ochako." Izuku turns to everyone else, "We're dating." He stated so calmly to everyone. There was a silence that could have easily been cut with a knife as everyone processed what he just said without making a fuss over it.

 "Whoa!" Kirishima was the first to say something, a big grin on his face, "He was so straightforward with it. That was the manliest thing I've ever seen." Mina sat up as she studied the new couple.

 "Yeah, I'm even a little shocked at his boldness." she said. Izuku looked at everyone, his confidence faltering before their eyes. His shyness takes over and his face turns just as red at Uraraka's. "Ah yep, there he goes." Everyone laughed as Izuku and Uraraka blushed in embarrassment. 

 "Congratulations. I am so very happy for you both." Yaoyorozu said with a smile on her face. Izuku chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck when the congratulations flooded in.

 "Thanks Yaoyorozu. We have to start packing though. We're leaving tonight." he pats Uraraka's shoulders gently, "Come on. Have a good holiday, guys!" he tells everyone before heading upstairs with Uraraka.

 "Yeah, I need to be leaving to. Ribbit. Bye everyone." Asui waved before heading upstairs next. One by one, each student went upstairs to pack and leave for the holiday. You watched as everyone left one by one for the night, seeing them off with no intention of telling them you were really staying behind. Once the last of them left, you changed into a tank top and shorts and sat in the common area with a book in your lap when someone wandered in. Your ears twitch at the light footsteps, glancing up to see Aizawa stopping behind the couch. He looks around the empty room you sat in.

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